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#261 marchoffmann

Another escape rute that tries to be used. Polish is not my language, I don't know what is going on, maybe polish people just don't give critisism because at least the comunity is handeled properly, which is not the case in this one. Man dude this was what I was asking about yesterday. I asked and you started to wine about my approach on this. How should I've done it else then. Begging you to please explain us what your plans with this comunity are which people may work on in the next 2 years? Again, me, and surely other people, would be willing to help to shape this comunity, that doesn't need to be in a moderator way, because I don't see myself there. But my points stand and they're valid.

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Or something.
2023-09-25 16:55

#262 pajper

Sorry, but if someone insists on one programming language, they are not a programmer. Simply. This does not concern Elten, because the topic is broader, but among sighted people when employed by a company, if someone does not show flexibility in this respect, well, he does not get the job. Python is a good language and I sometimes program in it. But for any self-respecting programmer, the language in which the application was written will not be an excuse.
And now this is absolutely not a criticism of wanting to help or anything like that. I never required people to help with Elten. This is just a rebuttal to the language choice argument.
Was Ruby a good choice? I don't know, it's hard to say, because Elten is over 9 years old and it's impossible to predict what advantages and disadvantages a different language would bring. If I were writing it today, I would probably do it in C#.


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2023-09-25 16:57

#263 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane

Noone would care about the programming language if the shit would be working. We are trying to talk about a completely different topic at the moment, but the answer on marcs question seems you don't know it yourself? Sorry for getting harsh but this is just absolutely...

2023-09-25 16:58

#264 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane

Also, you never required people to help, but your argument if you have no others is, uh, do it your self if you don't like the programm/code/whatever here is my github link

2023-09-25 17:01

#265 marchoffmann

So why not work on a way to recode things and start step by step, in order. Or at least finish eltenger. Again focus on 1 thing. Of course being flexible is good but you talked about people who'd help you. And ruby is not the way. And about sighted folks, again you compare a blind people program to a big sighted thing which is not going to work really. And well you basically just got angry more than enough times and grabbed your shiny github link, going like if you can do better, help :). Or something of sorts. Meh this argument starts getting really toxic honestly.

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Or something.
2023-09-25 17:01

#266 marchoffmann

And why alternatives if you arn't willing to recode elten? It will only be ruby so where's the alternative?

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Or something.
2023-09-25 17:02

#267 marchoffmann

Whatever. I'd just appreciate that any of my words are being properly thinked about and respected by you and not taken as so so bad insult. I've got school work to do and a lot of tests this week and this is just exhausting since you're not even willing to come to a result it seems.

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Or something.
2023-09-25 17:03

#268 theblack

something related to translations. I offered my help to translate into the Portuguese language. and if necessary to Spanish, since the news reaches English. but I understand the lack of time of the team on this platform. Now, I do think that more importance should be given to other languages, as Marchoffmann said.

Edytowano 2023-09-25 17:06

#269 marchoffmann

Yeah right. But I don't think many spanish people would use official forums cuz of this, I mean not english is organized even so it may not atract people really.

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Or something.
2023-09-25 17:08

#270 theblack

In fact, Spaniards do not use forums as much for this very reason. In fact, in 2020 there were more than 30 Spaniards here, and from one moment to the next the translation began to decrease and we dropped to only 6 Spaniards.

2023-09-25 17:10

#271 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane

because, surprice surprice, we aren't caring about other users with other languages, their communitys / translations.

2023-09-25 17:31

#272 marchoffmann

*plays the surprise sound* sorry. :d

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Or something.
2023-09-25 17:56

#273 Julitka

But, come on, it's a Polish Community itself that cares for itself. :D
Ant you're talking that pajper doesn't want help. He does, but Elten is written in Ruby. That's the condition.
If a dressmaker needs help with a wedding dress, and she says it's all white, you wouldn't insist on making it black. It's her own design and project. So what to talk about here? xd

***- A czego się boisz, Eowino? – zapytał.
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
2023-09-25 18:38

#274 Sir-Charlie

The NVDA allusion is flawed on so many levels. The only reason NVDA has so few devs is due to NV access status as being a non-profit. They can only hire devs from Australia. Of course, in the grand scheme of things Australia is a small country population wise and NVDA itself is a pretty obscure programme. So of course it'll have a few blind developers. As for Ruby, objectively speaking it's a pretty neesh language as well. Sure it's used but Python, C# ETC is significantly more popular. While you may not get full scale employed programmers, if it were coded in one of those other languages you would have gotten people who could have at least tweaked the minor bugs while you do the heavy lifting. So I suppose I don't quite see your argument here.
As for the main point I think it's very reasonable to expect some kind of update as to the situation regarding the English forums. Things have cooled down for now but the fact of the matter is the English forum is still a car with a block on the X with no driver. We're only safe for now because we're driving down a straight road with no obsticles, but what happens when we encounter an obsticle? Also, I'm frankly tired of seeing people use the volunteer excuse as a cop out whenever the slightest bit of pressure is applied. The fact of the matter is you volunteered. You made the choice to commit to this and you gave a timeline, even if only tentatively. There's nothing wrong with people to expect you to keep to your word. That's not being ungrateful, that's human nature.

All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
2023-09-25 20:32

#275 balteam

Even if ruby were less popular than it is, just imagin, who would be here after a year or 2 when Pajper would rewrite elten, and still we don't know if someone will help him, because if you can find few bugs and fix them, ehm, it's easier to learn ruby and help.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
2023-09-25 21:35

#276 Louisa

I've been reading this with interest and here are my thoughts.

As for money, the South African Rand is so weak, it would be way to expensive to pay anyway. And I'm afraidn you can't stop users from saying something even if they haven't bought any packages.

As for the developer, I'm sorry you have so much things on the go. Maybe you bit off more than you could chew. In the end, it amounts too, which is more important, your organization, or elten. Especially, the english forums, and making sure that everyone recieves the same information, not just the Polish one for example.

I also understand people's reactions, when someone says, this will be ready in a month and then nothing happends. Sometimes it's best not to make promises.

I'm sorry if my words strike a nerve. I rarely come out on here, and say so much. However, I will continue to enjoy this programme as long as it lasts.

2023-09-25 22:47

#277 GeorgeWu

This is my second time buying a Sponsorship package my package is gonna last till next August so that's a good thing.
Also at Pajper, Keep up the good work for making Elten.

2023-09-26 02:18

#278 rudolf

lol, but I heard from someone that there is no guide for rubi and you have to learn it from pajper? and, it's not easyer. elten just throws a lot of bugs, sorry but in my opinion the server and client has really to be recoded. I also think that in python, the server is much easyer able to handle this 100 users, blogs, ETC.
-- (balteam):
Even if ruby were less popular than it is, just imagin, who would be here after a year or 2 when Pajper would rewrite elten, and still we don't know if someone will help him, because if you can find few bugs and fix them, ehm, it's easier to learn ruby and help.


Edytowano 2023-09-26 10:12

#279 balteam

Really? Can't you find any ruby guide in the internet?
So does Pajper teach all people in the world or what?

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
2023-09-26 10:23

#280 pajper

These posts only show how little knowledge many people have about programming. At a certain level of abstraction, language has no bearing on error correction. When it comes to complex projects, there are no languages that are generally simpler or more difficult. Elten would have similar challenges and difficulties in Ruby, Python, C#, Java, or any other object-oriented language.


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2023-09-26 10:27