
survive the wild - gra zamknięta

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#221 Zuza

dobra koniec

Boże, błogosław obsługę
2021-04-17 17:45

#222 AXM04

nowa wersja STW 0.99.5 w końcu nadeszła
z nią sporo zmian

Link do pobrania najnowszej wersji: http://samtupy.com/games/stw.zip

"Dies irae, dies illa,..."
2021-06-28 17:41

#223 denis333

oo! To trzeba wrócić. o ile mi konta nie wywalili. ;)

2021-06-29 10:19

#224 martinus

a mi coś stw nie chce działać.

May the force be with you!
2021-06-29 10:19

#225 AXM04

jak miałeś premke nie powinni
bo darmowe chyba poszły

"Dies irae, dies illa,..."
2021-06-29 10:19

#226 martinus

Bo premium nie usuwają. A ja mam za to inny problem, odrzuca mi plik stw.exe

May the force be with you!
2021-06-29 10:20

#227 AXM04

dodaj folder do wykluczeń

"Dies irae, dies illa,..."
2021-06-29 10:21

#228 Zuza

Ja miałam premium o ile dobrze pamiętam, ale już nie pamiętam nic co mogę zrobić, gdzie iść etc

Boże, błogosław obsługę
2021-06-29 10:22

#229 Zuza

A jak tam się nazywacie tak z ciekawości?

Boże, błogosław obsługę
2021-06-29 10:25

#230 AXM04

ja AXM2004

"Dies irae, dies illa,..."
2021-06-29 10:25

#231 Zuza

Hmm. Nie mogę tego uruchomić

Boże, błogosław obsługę
2021-06-29 10:34

#232 AXM04

Message of the day: The latest on the gamelib.dll issue. So far, we have the following things to try, understand that this is not a full solution yet. 1. Try moving all files out of the lib folder. 2. If still not working, Install microsoft visual studio redistributable 2015. 3. If this didn't work, please make sure you specifically have windows update KB5003637 installed on your system. Again we are looking for people to join a skype group of players who can't play right now because of this so that we can solve the problem as fast as possible If you have friends who can't play, please tell them to contact me skype much prefered. Thanks much!
Everybody, thank you for baring with us through the release of this update. We understand that certain elements of the game are slightly unstable right now, however please be assured that we don't want the game unstable any more than you, and will do all we can over the next couple days to make the game run more and more smoothly. We'll get there soon enough! For now, please continue to use the report a bug section,and if you wish to make things a bit easier on the administrators, please encourage reading of the changelog or documentation before asking an admin how to perform a simple action, then only contacting us if you are sure you can find no solution first. Not required but we would certainly appreciate it, this way we can focus just on the bug reports and their fixes rather than telling somebody how to do something described in the first 15 lines of the changelog! Thank you again everybody for your extreme pacients while we work out all the new querks!
Also, keep in mind that the spelling of some items might have changed, and that you should put such an item in a hand and press space to fix it. Do this, prior to posting a bug report, because a no longer working item that you can fix, might be the cause.
Note: to those of you intrested in creating your own translation, please check out the documentation at http://samtupy.com/games/stw/stw_translate.php

"Dies irae, dies illa,..."
2021-06-29 10:39

#233 pates

Co jest nowego?

„Równowaga nie działa w korporacjach. Tam rządzi chaos i budżet.
2021-06-29 11:09

#234 AXM04

sporo rzeczy

"Dies irae, dies illa,..."
2021-06-29 11:10

#235 denis333

O kurde. Sporo zmienili.
Ps: Mój nick to denis.

2021-06-29 11:48

#236 Zuza

Gdzie przenieść te pliki z lip?

Boże, błogosław obsługę
2021-06-29 13:04

#237 pates

Sporo tego.

„Równowaga nie działa w korporacjach. Tam rządzi chaos i budżet.
2021-06-29 16:17

#238 nuno69

Jezus maria, to pokazuje jak wykwalifikowanych deweloperów tam mają.
Sami nie wiedzą gdzie wsadzić pliki z ich włąsnej gry. Joł pozdro.

- "Intelligence and wisdom is like jam. The less you have, the harder you're trying to spread it arround." - French proverb
2021-06-29 21:23

#239 AXM04

Welcome to survive the wild! Message of the day: The gamelib initialization error has finally been solved! If you have friends who cannot play, please tell them to redownload the game, or better for our server and for the bandwidth of the downloader, the following patch. http://samtupy.com/games/stw/gamelib_patch_june_29.zip Just replace all existing files in the game installation from the files in the patch. Again this is only for friends of those currently playing who can't play yet, either because they are using a 32 bit computer or because of missing visual c runtimes. To everybody who couldn't play and will now read this when they finally come online, I am so sorry that you all could not play for so long and hope that you now enjoy the game!
Everybody, thank you for baring with us through the release of this update. We understand that certain elements of the game are slightly unstable right now, however please be assured that we don't want the game unstable any more than you, and will do all we can over the next couple days to make the game run more and more smoothly. We'll get there soon enough! For now, please continue to use the report a bug section,and if you wish to make things a bit easier on the administrators, please encourage reading of the changelog or documentation before asking an admin how to perform a simple action, then only contacting us if you are sure you can find no solution first. Not required but we would certainly appreciate it, this way we can focus just on the bug reports and their fixes rather than telling somebody how to do something described in the first 15 lines of the changelog! Thank you again everybody for your extreme pacients while we work out all the new querks!
Also, keep in mind that the spelling of some items might have changed, and that you should put such an item in a hand and press space to fix it. Do this, prior to posting a bug report, because a no longer working item that you can fix, might be the cause.
Note: to those of you intrested in creating your own translation, please check out the documentation at http://samtupy.com/games/stw/stw_translate.php

"Dies irae, dies illa,..."
2021-06-30 14:37

#240 Zuza

oo Teraz działa oprucz muzyki. Mój nick to zuza22

Boże, błogosław obsługę
2021-06-30 15:40