
#61 musical_marilyn

miiiine are jolly ranchers. Get me a bag and I'll be a happy person! Sour patch are awesome though.

2021-02-16 16:58

#62 djsenter

what are jolly ranchers like? Didn't try them yet. Are they chewy candies or...

Senter San
2021-02-16 19:48

#63 Pretty_Atheist

No way. Get me m&m and I will be happy. The biggest bag possible, please...

Living life to the fullest
2021-02-16 20:07

#64 musical_marilyn

It's kind of yeah. They make the jolly ranchers chewy like in gummy form, they also make them in like squared form kinda. Oh, and the usual ones which are kinda rounded in shape. They have a watermellon flavor, grape, and apple. I think.

2021-02-16 21:52

#65 Pretty_Atheist

I think I've tried them. Sounds like I have. mm.

Living life to the fullest
2021-02-16 22:59

#66 djsenter

I would surely love them, as I am in to fruity flavoured types of sweets.
Not necessarily into chocolate as much.

Senter San
2021-02-17 12:32

#67 Lucy

Guys, try Romanian food, it is great. I tried Turkish and Chinese, also some seafood and so on, but yeah, chocolateeeeee!

2021-02-20 20:21

#68 Lucy

And no, that was no spam. By the way, tunna salad is my best thing, if I do not eat it once a week or so,my stomack curses me!

2021-02-20 20:23

#69 djsenter

Tuna salad is wonderful, i like a bit of mayo there and maybe noodles or some cut cold potatoes, also onion, pepper as in the vegetable, and sweet corn mmmm

Senter San
2021-02-20 20:43

#70 magmar Konto zarchiwizowane

I like food which is served especially during Christmas Eve.
My favourite fish is carp.
As far as soup is concerned, I'm keen on borscht with uszka - little pierogi with mushrooms inside.
Seafood is another kind of food, which i consume with a great pleasure.
After a delicious dinner, which makes me feel starving, I usually eat three pieces of torte because I don't want to put on my weight.
Sorry for my mistakes but I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse.ENjoy your meal!

2021-02-20 23:58

#71 strowbery

Last summer, in Białystok was opened a new store — Vizantio. In this shop you can buy not only Orthodox icons written in Greek or Slavic style or other church items, but also culinary and cosmetic products originally imported directly from Greece. Among them you can find Greek sweets, Greek oils, jams and other pastes, and even Greek nutella or shower gel as well as hand cream or balm. In the store you can also find herbal biscuits and medicinal herbs. Links to operative sites are provided below.
Work on the website is still ongoing.
All the best
2021-02-24 21:30:37

<3 :* <3
2021-02-24 21:34

#72 musical_marilyn

mmm that sounds great!

2021-02-25 00:51

#73 techboy

I like ation food. my familly goes back and there are a few ations so yeah i love the food! it's just! amazzzzing!

Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
2021-03-04 02:42

#74 briandeal1991

as it sounds what food do you like to eat and when i say food I mean real food not snacks

brian deal :)
2025-01-14 02:17

#75 cyrmax

I'll be the first who responds in this topic :D
My absolute favorite after visiting Hungary is some Hungarian food called Cigánypecsenye, I'm not sure how to spell it with English rules properly, so this is how hungarians write it.
It is some kind of fried or cooked in oven meat wrapped with bacon and seasoned with some local spices, don't know their namings.

Oh damn! I write this, imagine and feel like my last meal just disappears and my stomach asks for this thing!

Aliqua subscriptio hic esse debet, sed nesciebam quid ibi scriberem.
2025-02-05 23:39

#76 ArcticMoon

Well... As I'm hungry now, I don't think it's the best time to answer, but let's see :D
I also love the hungarian food which Cyrmax mentioned, together with our version of lecsó, which is a Hungarian thick vegetable ragout or stew which traditionally contains yellow pointed peppers, tomato, onion, salt, and ground sweet and/or hot paprika. We also eat some sausages with it and of course we have a lot of traditional ways to cook this meal, but this is the official description. I must mention the hungarian cheese Trappista as well, it's the best cheese I've eaten so far.
I also like serbian food, such as pljeskavica and cevapi. I ate these two so a long time ago that now I became even more hungry.
As for russian food, I love pirog and blin, the second one is almost like a pancake, but salty. I've never tried pelmeni and I still want to. Well, at some day... :)
I also like shaverma. It's so a huge pity we don't have that typical shaverma in Hungary which they have in Russia, but as much as citizens of Saint-Petersburg are fed up from it, just as much I want it to be in Hungary.
Now that I remembered russian food, I want to return and eat from the restaurant called Dostaevsky, from there literally everything is awesome.
If it comes to Poland, I love pierogi with meat. I simply love them and I'm in search of them in Hungary as well. Also, when I was in Warsaw, I had the pleasure to eat some very, very tasty fried sausages. Noone knows what I'm talking about, even if I ask polish folks. They were sausages, polish folks called them kiełbasa, and it was all fried. I can't explain how it tasted, it was simply awesome. But I'm in search of those as well. Once I went to the official polish shop in Budapest and asked, but from my vague explanation, they also didn't really know what I'm about. They suggested a lot of similar things, and maybe one of them was the thing I am looking for... I don't know.
So yeah, you can see I'm hungry. Better if I finish my post and eat something :D

2025-02-06 00:10

#77 Emrah20

I have lot of favourite foods. I like for example Penne with tomato sauce and chicken meat.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.
2025-02-11 14:56