#1 djsenter
Here we can talk about one of the easiest yet entertaining subject, which is food.
What is your favourite food, whether it's snacks or savoury, have you ever ate food from different countries?
What are your opinions on it?
#2 radio729
I have a lot of faverite foods. I love meatloaf, spaghetti, mac and cheese and pizza. I also like cookies, chocolate cake and cheese cake.
#3 djsenter
mmm, spaghetti is great.
I like some chocolate stuff, but i'm more in to fruity flavor things like chewits, i think they are mainly bought in england, so people from US probably didn't experience their magnificent flavor, correct me if i'm wrong.
#4 Louisa
I also like spegheti and other meaty things such as chicken, or spair ribs. Like other sweet things like milkshake, and ice-cream.
#5 djsenter
The thing is, I was thinking if I should become a vegetarian some day, but my family doesn't like that idea, so not sure what to do now.
#6 thespyde
It isn't the panacea people think it is. When meat isn't in the diet there are few options for getting digestible proteins. That's all I'll say about that. Vegetarianism shouldn't be forced on folks. That is all.
#7 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
O, what a cool thread this is! As for me: I am definitely a guy who likes it spicy and crunchy. So, on things like lasagne or any other casseroles, there has to be a lot of gratinate cheese and a good amount of spices, otherwise, it's boring for me, :D, I also really love it when you put croutons in soup, with a good bit of garlic of course. And, as you probably gather, pizza, fries/chips, chips/crisps and flaky pastry belong to my all-time favorites, even though I'm aware it isn't the healthiest, and that's why I'm able to not eat such things every single day. When it comes to fruits, I'm definitely more on the sweet side, like cherries, bananas, pears (only when they are very soft and juicy) and grapes. One thing I absolutely hate is everything called salad, though I'd definitely prefer fruit salad over any other kind of salad. Vegetables aren't my favorites either, though I would prefer them over salad. The only thing which can make vegetables really tasty for me is, guess what! Frying or spicing them.
#8 djsenter
MMM, grapes are fantastic, once my dad bought me some grapes fro Egypt, thye were large and so so good
#9 Mimi
Hi. :) I like spicy food too. Now, my favourite is tortilla with different things such as vegetables, bean, meat - but except chicken.
#10 gamer30
the food i like is pizza
#11 derrick
Ilove greek food. anything related to barbecue. Chicken, stakes sallads when they are spicy. soups,of course. Living in Poland you haveto like soups,hehehehe.
#12 djsenter
Actually, let me surprise you.
I'm a nativepolish man, yet I'm not a big fan of soups, althoug there are a few i like, żurek for example.
#13 derrick
Yes. And in restaurants, they serve you the zurek in a big cup made of bread, and covered by a lid made of bread. Youf irst eat the lid, eat the soup and eat the bred. The soup doesn't go through the bread. So yes, I know that soup verywell. I also like bigos. Pierogi I hate.
#14 djsenter
Hmm, bigos is awesome!
Hmm, i somehow don't like them that much either, although it depnds what they haveinside
#15 derrick
I now live in Warsaw and here youhave a few restaurants owned by vietnamese and one by turks; Excellent food. Naturally, there's always the good old pizza and there's a place where I go sometimes with laura my daughter, which is caled rozno pod schodkami but I may spell it wrong. They have chicken, different sallads and potatoes, fried ones, mate, what a delight!
#16 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
Oh, I can imagine that.
#17 djsenter
Hmm, I love chinese and some japanese and vietnamese food interests me, can you tell me more about it, it is quite important for personal reasons, heh.
#18 derrick
Vietnamese food is a bit like chinese food. in fact. Rice, tofu, chicken, beaf pork, and the different sauces. We have, not far from us, a place owned by a ukrainian. There are many ukrainians in Poland, to those who don't know, and this fellow makes suchi. Excellent. And not very expensive.
#19 Mimi
I like oriental food too. It has so many different fascinating tastes.
#20 djsenter
I like the sweet and sour sauce, mmm