
lets play right or not right

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#81 Enes

Not right, by the way.
--Cytat (bomberman29):
oooo know! i replied more than 24. the next one makes arduino project

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-22 11:05

#82 Enes

So the next poster likes horseriding.
--Cytat (Enes):
Not right, by the way.
--Cytat (bomberman29):
oooo know! i replied more than 24. the next one makes arduino project

--Koniec cytatu

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-22 11:06

#83 bomberman29

owwwwwww yeah! right the next poster knows that bgt is bad, but still creates scripts on it. i do like that.

2020-10-22 11:12

#84 Enes

Right, as I don't know any other languages.
So the next poster still plays those old online games like Top Speed or Dragon Pong.
--Cytat (bomberman29):
owwwwwww yeah! right the next poster knows that bgt is bad, but still creates scripts on it. i do like that.

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-22 12:21

#85 bomberman29

right! but very rarely the next poster has his own server.

2020-10-22 17:26

#86 Enes

Not right.
The next poster joined Elten at least a year ago.

2020-10-25 19:02

#87 radio729

Not right. The Next poster has a Discord account.

2020-10-25 20:04

#88 aldenmaster

Right. The next person rooted or jailbroke their phone, tablet, or iPod.

Off the spinner, to the skinner, it chops off layers, now I'm thinner.
2020-10-26 00:08

#89 bomberman29

no but i had an iphone 5 and i wanted to jalebrake it! the next poster has a distance learning now, like me

2020-10-26 06:21

#90 Enes

Right, predictably.
The next poster can make an excellent cook.
--Cytat (bomberman29):
no but i had an iphone 5 and i wanted to jalebrake it! the next poster has a distance learning now, like me

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-26 07:43

#91 mike

your completely and utterly wrong. as far as I know, I couldnt cook even a single hotdog roflmaolmaolmaolmao

if you want to talk to me just talk to me stop gaucking at me
2020-10-27 04:19

#92 bomberman29

and what should the next poster do? mike? if in 2 hours nothing, i will write about the next poster

2020-10-27 06:52

#93 bomberman29

the next poster has a braille display. @hozosch i know that you have so please now dont write!

2021-01-30 07:25

#94 Enes

Technically, right.
But it doesn't work, was taken for repair so long ago, and I have not heard from it ever since.
The next poster likes coffee.
-- (bomberman29):
the next poster has a braille display. @hozosch i know that you have so please now dont write!


2021-01-30 20:39

#95 ArcticMoon

Yeah, right. :)

The next poster loves trying unique kinds of tea.

2021-01-30 21:21

#96 Enes

Oh, right, and recommend that you try the Turkish tea.
So the next poster doesn't like chocolate.

2021-01-30 21:55

#97 Snajper22

The next poster used to play or still plays goalball.

"Czy ty jesteś bardzo odważny? - Średnio. - A co zrobiłeś najodważniejszego w swoim życiu? - (...) Wstałem dziś rano."
Cormac McCarthy, "Droga"
2021-02-06 03:14

#98 ArcticMoon


The next poster likes playing chess.

2021-02-08 13:46

#99 Mulka

Wrong, I was just shown some basics. The next poster has a big circle of friends.

2021-02-11 12:23

#100 ArcticMoon

Wrong, I have only a few friends.

The next one hates banana with a passion. Wait, that's me lol

2021-02-13 20:36