
lets play right or not right

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#61 Tissman2

Nope, using win...
The next poster has an active elten forum.

2020-08-09 13:13

#62 Seva

Not write. By the way I talked on public US teamtalk server and I know how install windows on bootcamp and I know what's rasbery py so contact me I will answer.
The next poster reads language that he learns with an English eSpeak sometimes, ahahaha

2020-08-10 11:25

#63 gangster

The next poster, is cant purchase beats, because paypal don't supported.

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-08-14 16:01

#64 bomberman29

not right. the next poster has arduino controller

2020-08-22 09:07

#65 gangster

Not right. The next poster waiting a use full answer for elten english comminity/others/radio boss topic.

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-08-22 10:35

#66 Enes

We call those hardware keyboards. And then we have the software keyboards.
--Cytat (aldenmaster):
Right or wrong, the next person uses a mechanical keyboard on their main computer.

--Koniec cytatu

2020-08-25 13:53

#67 Enes

The next poster is an experienced broadcaster, by which I mean he has a radio station or something similar.
--Cytat (gangster):
Not right. The next poster waiting a use full answer for elten english comminity/others/radio boss topic.

--Koniec cytatu

2020-08-25 13:58

#68 gangster

True. I have a radio stream. The next poster, needs 1 tb storage in their disk.

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-08-25 15:09

#69 Enes

Right, unfortunately.
The next poster has never been to Japan.
--Cytat (gangster):
True. I have a radio stream. The next poster, needs 1 tb storage in their disk.

--Koniec cytatu

2020-08-25 15:18

#70 gangster

totally true. The next poster wants to deall with a music company and needs create new music with auto tune and stuff.

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-08-25 17:39

#71 aldenmaster

Not right. Right or not right, the next person has put hard drives into a raid onfiguration. Doesn't matter which kind of raid, just raid.

Off the spinner, to the skinner, it chops off layers, now I'm thinner.
2020-10-01 23:15

#72 Enes

Just wondering, and possibly to answer if I get what you mean, but what is "raid"?
--Cytat (aldenmaster):
Not right. Right or not right, the next person has put hard drives into a raid onfiguration. Doesn't matter which kind of raid, just raid.

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-01 23:39

#73 aldenmaster

It's pretty much when you group a bunch of hard drives together to either make a big volume, or a volume with redundancy to it.

Off the spinner, to the skinner, it chops off layers, now I'm thinner.
2020-10-04 02:58

#74 Enes

Got it. So, not right.
The next person will reply within 24 hours.

2020-10-08 10:24

#75 bomberman29

oooo know! i replied more than 24. the next one makes arduino project

2020-10-09 13:21

#76 Enes

What's that?
--Cytat (bomberman29):
oooo know! i replied more than 24. the next one makes arduino project

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-11 19:44

#77 bomberman29

arduino is a cool microcontroller that can be programmable! you can attach motors, sensors, relays and many things and make a robot, or a car with sensors that doesn't crash!

2020-10-12 14:56

#78 Enes

Well, this is what I thought earlier already.
But is it accessible?
--Cytat (bomberman29):
arduino is a cool microcontroller that can be programmable! you can attach motors, sensors, relays and many things and make a robot, or a car with sensors that doesn't crash!

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-19 17:20

#79 ArcticMoon

Guys, don't go offtopic, please. I'm not issuing anything yet, but if it becomes excessively going out of topic, I will have to.
Thanks. :)

2020-10-19 18:51

#80 Enes

Come on, this is just a game and I was asking something I wanted to know more about.
You know already that I wouldn't do such a thing in a more serious thread
--Cytat (ArcticMoon):
Guys, don't go offtopic, please. I'm not issuing anything yet, but if it becomes excessively going out of topic, I will have to.
Thanks. :)

--Koniec cytatu

2020-10-22 10:58