Back to Community discussions#1 rambo
"I've brought up this topic out of boredom and to stimulate a constructive debate. I'm curious about everyone's take on abortion, whether pro-choice or pro-life. Please keep the discussion respectful and constructive. If this topic offends you, feel free to refrain from participating."
#2 Urh2006
I always believed that abortion is not justifiable but then one day I asked myself, how is it not justifiable? I think that before we're orn we're not even human, we can't control our life so it doesn't matter if we're aborted. The conservatives don't have any good arguments to promote their claims. It's based on religion and i hate religion.
#3 Ryder
l bozo
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#4 Urh2006
#5 Fernando
The pro life position is the most ethically sound stance to take on this issue. As someone who has evauluated nearly all the common pro choice arguments I can tell you that they all result in an ethical dilemma of some kind if followed to their logical conclusion. A perfect example is the argument brought up in this thread, that unborn children are not human because they cannot excersise their own autonomy. The problem with this line of reasoning is that it leads to infanticide being acceptable because newborn infants can't excersise autonomy either.
#6 Fernando
#7 LordJohnEdward
Is it just me who hates those messages at the end of every message? Their confusing and I think them to be part of the message all the time. But I agree with little Dernand completely. Every single argument in favor of baby murder ends up backfiring harder than if someone stuck a firecracker in their ass.
#8 Fernando
Yeah those signatures are confusing sometimes
#9 Sir-Charlie
The lack of regard for human life as demonstrated in post 2 is startling. I'm not one of those loons who think that abortion in absolutely any and all case should be banned, but at the same time jesus. What you're saying basically allows for a baby 1 day shy of birth to be aborted, since they have no control of their life and aren't a human being.
#10 thespyde
A fetus is just as human as when it pops out of his/her mother's womb and magically becomes a person. That makes no sense at all. If killing a fetus is okay, then killing a person is too.
#11 lolgamer
The problem I have with these discussions is that people want to ban something for an entire group because they believe in something. If people believe that killing a fetus is as bad as killing a person, they don't have to have abortions. Abortions have been made legal for people who are sure that they do not want a child, because they know that they cannot properly care for one and that is why I find abortions ethically responsible.
Sorry for the English in this post. I've been using a translator for it.
#12 khalil2009
give them up for adoption? I feel like that would be better than aboarding them
#13 Fernando
The discussion boils down to whether the unborn baby is a human with human dignity and value like everyone else. As I said, every attempt to deny unborn children their worth or justify their deaths in any way backfires. I'm not sold on the idea that if you can't provide for a child the solution is abortion. Why? Because I believe the unborn have equal worth. They're human, like everyone else. Now, to address your example. Imagine the situation in reverse. What if a mother wants to kill her toddler to make room for a newborn? Would that be morally acceptable? In our view getting an abortion would be equivalent to that. If you dispute this, you're basically disputing their value and we've gone right back to where we started.
#14 Urh2006
to be honest I hate the pro-choice activists but I just do not see the reason to not have ortion as an option. I think Slovenia does this well. If the mother is in her 10th week of pregnancy or something like that, after that she cannot get an abortion unless it is approved. I think this is a good way to deal with these things.
#15 rambo
A fetus is a fetus, whether it is 1 week or 10 weeks old; it is still a living biological entity. This fact is supported by scientific evidence. I'm sure some people question this fact, so I'll indulge. From conception, a fetus is a istinct living organism with its own unique DNA. This DNA is human and determines all the biological characteristics of the fetus. Which brings up the ethical deficiencies of the opposing argument. If we are not comfortable with killing grown humans, why should we be okay with killing fetuses?
#16 Fernando
100%. I'd also add that in the modern age we have human rights, rights that are supposed to apply to all human beings regardless of age, sex, or any other distinguishing characteristic. On such right is the right to life. If these rights don't extend to human fetuses, then how can it be said they extend to any human at all, since the right to life apparently doesn't cover the earliest stages of human development? And furthermore, how can it be said that rights exist at all? Every other right requires life as a necessary condition. If life isn't a right, then nothing can be.
#17 djsenter
Yes, I am pro life, but not critically and blindly, just because on most issues I'd say my positions are socially conservative. Every such an issue I try to approach with an open mind, because the more I grow up and the more differing perspectives I get exposed to, the harder it is to just act like what we think is always perfectly true and is the only way people should be living or acting. It's fair to say that getting an abortion isn't an easy decision and most reasonable people don't approach it in the same way as if they were getting a scar, or some other blemish on their skin removed, and so even when I believe that every human has the right to live and I won't agree with or encourage abortion as a potential husband, later a father, etc, I won't say that the victims of rape, or women who are putting themselves at a very high medical risk when giving birth, suffer immense pains, or any other such context should give birth and that their life, health or dignity should be sacrificed for the potential life of another human. That's just not ok.
#18 Fernando
Mostly agree. If the mother's life is at risk abortion is the lesser of 2 evils. I disagree with the rape thing on moral grounds but I know that's contentious even among the pro life community.
#19 djsenter
I can understand your disagreement, it seems to be the most complex and trickiest aspect, which seems to polarise the society quite a lot and no wonder why. It seems unfair and kind of evil to abort when the baby to be born is innocent and in no shape or form plays a part in how it got created, and yet the physical and psychological trauma, the abuse, the hell a woman has to go through during and after a rape, when I visualise it, I can already understand why a woman might not want to give birth to that baby.
#20 Fernando
I can definitely understand, but it doesn't justify it.