Petition: Rerun The Administrator Election
Back to Threads Archive#1 Sir-Charlie
AS per usual when writing topics like these, I want to start with a little preamble, because it's important to clarify some of the more minor details, I think, before getting into the meat and potatoes of what I'm here for.
OK, Hi. I wasn't at all sure which forum to post this thread, but I ultimately decided on this one. You can feel free to move this to another place that you think is more suitable.
First of all, let me start by saying I have no hostility towards Pajper. I appreciate the time he took to organise the whole elections and reorganising the forum. While I've disagreed with some of his execution, I overwhelmingly appreciate his efforts.
Next, I have no deep affinity for anyone of the candidates who ran against Moon. I think by now you should know I've been quite critical of Arctic Moon for various reasons, some of which I'll get into in this post. But I say this to dispell any accusations of bias or jumping out to support my friends. I'm sure @Marc and @Karmien would be the first to say I'm not out here at their feet kissing them 24/7. If anything, they'd say I'm angrilly nibbling at their feet to the point of bleeding, so I'm writing this out of my own personal thoughts.
Third, I've been away for a while because I actually lost Elten as I reinstalled windows and was discontented with the state of affairs for a while. But now I've decided to come back and what I saw shocked me.
OK, are you still reading after 172 words? Great. Time for the actual contents!
As the title suggests, I made a petition to try and lobby the management to rerun the poll for several reasons. The main reason I'm making this petition is not because I dislike Arctic Moon and want Simter or Marc to win, I'm making this petition because I think alot of people, like myself were horrified and disgusted by that *"EXPERIMENT"*. It's absolutely unprofessional for someone who campaigned on a promise of bringing peace, order and unity to the community.
A great deal of people expressed disappointment after that point and wished to revoke their vote, but unfortunately they couldn't. I believe, therefore, the poll was tainted. The aime of this poll is to have the community join with me in affirming that belief, and hopefully call for fresh elections.
If a new election is to be held, I think a few adjustments should be made to ensure it's the most representative of the community and gives the partisipants a fair chance.
A) People should, if possible be allowed to modify their vote.
B) I believe each candidate should have their own thread where users can ask them questions to gage how they plan to handle specific situations, reform the forums, hold them to account, etc.
C) The Administrator candidates should provide their tentative slate of moderators to further ensure accountability and transparency. Of course, those mods are free to decline, but never the less it would ensure the community has an idea of where the admin's head is. It would also put to bed some of the accusations leveled against some candidates.
The aime of this petition is to gain 28+1 yes votes. Of course, assuming yes is the outright majority. Why 28? Cuz Arctic Moon won approximately 28 votes in the last election. A similar vote to rerun the election would show an undismissable desire by the community to revote.
There are several benefits, I think. For those of us who are in favour of this initiative, a yes vote would hopefully serve as pressure to get the vote held again. It would give the community a fair chance to help shape the path of this community going forward. I think for many, they feel cheated of that opportunity. Those of us feel lied to, and that isn't fair. Those of you who are against this initiative can use a no vote to finally put to bed any rumblings against Arctic, and we can go ahead, even if reluctantly to try and build a better community together.
The problem I see now is alot of people will continue to be discontented, and we can't hope to heal and recover if there's a giant wound the size of the Pacific Ocean. This petition either way can serve to heal those wounds.
I call upon everyone to vote in this poll, whether or not you support it or not.
I'm going to close this poll off on Tuesday, 21ST November 2023 at 12AM Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-4:00) So ample time to get your votes in
The link is
Thank you all
#2 Sir-Charlie
Oh. I somehow forgot to make a few more clarifications. If yes does win and they do decide to run another election, I don't intend to run for the position. I think I'd be more of a help if I could sit on the sidelines and point out the flaws and provide solutions
Next, I forgot to say when the voting is over I'll write down the list of everyone who voted for transparency sake. If I spot any duplicates, I'll contact the person privately to confirm. Because anyone could write anything, but that can be worked around. I want this to be as fair as possible for everyone, so I'll try my best to stamp on any fraud or spam. I won't publish the person's vote, only their name to indicate they voted. Also, if anyone wants to ask about their vote (Privately), they can.
I'm not up for policing extra specifics, but if I see someone making an account after today then I won't tcount their vte either. I don't support ballot stuffing, even if it's to my cause's benefit.
#3 ArcticMoon
Let's vote in the name of other users with private tabs, vpns, dinamic IP addresses. Eh sorry, I already think like a strange programmer.
#4 karmien
Have fun creating a milion google accounts for that. This is secured by google login.
#5 Sir-Charlie
If you took 5 minutes to look over the petition you'd see that none of what you said is possible for several reasons. First, you need to be signed into a google account. So your wanna-be programmer mind can rest in knowing dynamic IP addresses and VPN's are ineffective. Second, I have said that I'm going to publish the name of everyone who voted and have also said my inbox is open to anyone who wants to investigate their result. So I'm afraid I don't see what you're saying.
#6 karmien
besides if you try to manipulate the vote, no matter what position you have, you are only damaging your own position.
#7 ArcticMoon
Good luck creating some google accounts with throwaway emails. If someone wants to do so, they will. I'm not a wannabe programmer, I just understand what's the problem. :D
#8 karmien
And again, first an attack, then :d. It never gets old. Secondly, even if you do that, after the second time google forces you to enter a phone number. Of course you could make a milion phone numbers but the average person has no idea how this is done. :xd
#9 Sir-Charlie
Look, @7. I'm not up for pointless back and forth because I already explained to you how your logic is flawed. I took steps to address those very concerns cuz it doesn't take someone, supposedly, with a programmer mind to figure those problems exist. Of course, people can make throw away accounts, but how would that solve the issue of having to write their elten username which can easily be fact-checked? Your Maths simply isn't Mathsing. If you want to debate, debate over something of substence. At this point it appears to me you're trying to argue over nothing to discredit the petition. Let's see where the petition goes. I'm hopeful that people will act in good faith. Of course, there will be idiots and bad actors but if we were to let our fear of bad actors hold us back all the time we wouldn't achieve anything.
#10 Sir-Charlie
@8 and @Marc if he eventually reads this topic, the :D thing isn't meant to soften the blow lol. It's sarcasm. Like a smirk. It's meant to amplify the poisonousness of the remark, not reduce it.
#11 ArcticMoon
I am sorry that there is more hatred than common sense in some people at the moment. While many people are trying to make something of their lives, for many, the biggest and only problem is that they did not win the administrator's rank. Believe me, not a rewarding job, I say that with at least 3 years of moderating experience. I tried to help as much as I could, but communication never worked within the team, even though I suggested creating a separate group for moderators and administrators. No one ever did. I believe there is no good work without collaboration, so if people trust me, I will choose moderators, with whom I feel we can work together and the key, communication and consultation with each other, will not be lost.
Power must be inviting, I've never denied that, at your age, for me it was also cool to be an admin in a famous game. But grow up guys, please.
#12 karmien
couldn't have said it better.
-- (Sir-Charlie):
Look, @7. I'm not up for pointless back and forth because I already explained to you how your logic is flawed. I took steps to address those very concerns cuz it doesn't take someone, supposedly, with a programmer mind to figure those problems exist. Of course, people can make throw away accounts, but how would that solve the issue of having to write their elten username which can easily be fact-checked? Your Maths simply isn't Mathsing. If you want to debate, debate over something of substence. At this point it appears to me you're trying to argue over nothing to discredit the petition. Let's see where the petition goes. I'm hopeful that people will act in good faith. Of course, there will be idiots and bad actors but if we were to let our fear of bad actors hold us back all the time we wouldn't achieve anything.
#13 ArcticMoon
I could have just open the who is online list and write in everyone's name with a separate throwaway email. But I won't do that, as spending time with beloved ones, going to university, and working seem to be a better way to live.
-- (Sir-Charlie):
Look, @7. I'm not up for pointless back and forth because I already explained to you how your logic is flawed. I took steps to address those very concerns cuz it doesn't take someone, supposedly, with a programmer mind to figure those problems exist. Of course, people can make throw away accounts, but how would that solve the issue of having to write their elten username which can easily be fact-checked? Your Maths simply isn't Mathsing. If you want to debate, debate over something of substence. At this point it appears to me you're trying to argue over nothing to discredit the petition. Let's see where the petition goes. I'm hopeful that people will act in good faith. Of course, there will be idiots and bad actors but if we were to let our fear of bad actors hold us back all the time we wouldn't achieve anything.
#14 karmien
i will not explain again why that won't work. And again, if people do this they are damaging no one but their own position.
-- (ArcticMoon):
I could have just open the who is online list and write in everyone's name with a separate throwaway email. But I won't do that, as spending time with beloved ones, going to university, and working seem to be a better way to live.
-- (Sir-Charlie):
Look, @7. I'm not up for pointless back and forth because I already explained to you how your logic is flawed. I took steps to address those very concerns cuz it doesn't take someone, supposedly, with a programmer mind to figure those problems exist. Of course, people can make throw away accounts, but how would that solve the issue of having to write their elten username which can easily be fact-checked? Your Maths simply isn't Mathsing. If you want to debate, debate over something of substence. At this point it appears to me you're trying to argue over nothing to discredit the petition. Let's see where the petition goes. I'm hopeful that people will act in good faith. Of course, there will be idiots and bad actors but if we were to let our fear of bad actors hold us back all the time we wouldn't achieve anything.
#15 blindflatearther2
also if we even consiter doing a revote we need to talk about how the vote needs to be inproved apon we can't hope to do that just by saying we need a revote we need to make clear how we want this done so people can really feel happy with the resalts. I gave a few ideas in the other form about this ishue want this to be are fokis simply because the same thing again will only piss more people off. As well as make people give up on the comunity so lets find a way to help all a part of this.
#16 cyrmax
Well I see another act of childish behavior here.
The election is done and nobody can manipulate the election results.
Of course Pajper could but tell me at least one reason why he would do such a thing?
Yes, this google form is secured by google account, I have checked from a private tab.
But, firstly, I have at least three google accounts: one is my own, the second is the account for my youtube channel and the third is my work e-mail from the company.
So I can open elten user list, look for such guys who do not know english at all or do not use elten so much and write down their names from the second and the third account.
Also I can ask my friends to do the same for several more usernames here on Elten.
So tell me please, will you analyze every username, their last login time, their membership in this english forum and the time of their answer in the form?
I can immagine that you will.
But immagine if this form would get about 300 answers.
Will you still do this?
If yes, then I hope everybody would agree with me that you have lots of free time and patience. Or Elten is the only important thing in your life so you would do this stuff all day and all night long, without sleeping, without eating or doing something else.
Oh and btw if Elten would be so important for me I would pay a few dollars on some microtasking platform, publish a huge list of usernames and ask people to do the job for me.
No problems for me, quick result and thousands of garbage answers in your google form... hahaha!
Do not treat me as some sort of troll; the only thing i want to say is that in my opinion this topic and this google form is just another useless scream of bored children against the person who gave you warnings some day. Or gave warnings to your friends.
And again, election is done and results are public and eligible.
#17 ArcticMoon
Believe me, if someone is skilled enough, it would work. I, myself, don't really know how, but for a programmer there must be a way.
On the other hand, most of the people won't vote, since the form wants you to log in. People are lazy. If they aren't logged in yet, they won't provide their details just to answer a single question.
-- (karmien):
i will not explain again why that won't work. And again, if people do this they are damaging no one but their own position.
-- (ArcticMoon):
I could have just open the who is online list and write in everyone's name with a separate throwaway email. But I won't do that, as spending time with beloved ones, going to university, and working seem to be a better way to live.
-- (Sir-Charlie):
Look, @7. I'm not up for pointless back and forth because I already explained to you how your logic is flawed. I took steps to address those very concerns cuz it doesn't take someone, supposedly, with a programmer mind to figure those problems exist. Of course, people can make throw away accounts, but how would that solve the issue of having to write their elten username which can easily be fact-checked? Your Maths simply isn't Mathsing. If you want to debate, debate over something of substence. At this point it appears to me you're trying to argue over nothing to discredit the petition. Let's see where the petition goes. I'm hopeful that people will act in good faith. Of course, there will be idiots and bad actors but if we were to let our fear of bad actors hold us back all the time we wouldn't achieve anything.
#18 karmien
most people are logged into their google account any way
#19 karmien
How this guy doesn't realize by saying what he sais he is basically only hurting arctic and the rest of the community. Also no one said that the vote was manipulated, absolutely no one.
-- (cyrmax):
Well I see another act of childish behavior here.
The election is done and nobody can manipulate the election results.
Of course Pajper could but tell me at least one reason why he would do such a thing?
Yes, this google form is secured by google account, I have checked from a private tab.
But, firstly, I have at least three google accounts: one is my own, the second is the account for my youtube channel and the third is my work e-mail from the company.
So I can open elten user list, look for such guys who do not know english at all or do not use elten so much and write down their names from the second and the third account.
Also I can ask my friends to do the same for several more usernames here on Elten.
So tell me please, will you analyze every username, their last login time, their membership in this english forum and the time of their answer in the form?
I can immagine that you will.
But immagine if this form would get about 300 answers.
Will you still do this?
If yes, then I hope everybody would agree with me that you have lots of free time and patience. Or Elten is the only important thing in your life so you would do this stuff all day and all night long, without sleeping, without eating or doing something else.
Oh and btw if Elten would be so important for me I would pay a few dollars on some microtasking platform, publish a huge list of usernames and ask people to do the job for me.
No problems for me, quick result and thousands of garbage answers in your google form... hahaha!
Do not treat me as some sort of troll; the only thing i want to say is that in my opinion this topic and this google form is just another useless scream of bored children against the person who gave you warnings some day. Or gave warnings to your friends.
And again, election is done and results are public and eligible.
#20 Sir-Charlie
@15, I did in the original post. But even then if we do decide to run another election, we can figure that out as a community.
@Arctic, I'm tired, so the last thing I'll say to you for now is, your logic truly is flawed. You can go ahead and do that, but let's say you choose to write in Darkchild's name in the petition, then Darkchild comes later and submits his name. Obviously I'll see the duplicate. As said, in such a situation, I'll then contact him to see what's up. Of ourse, it's alot of work on my part, but when you're working for the benefit of the community, hard work is part and parsel. Next, you're not te only one with a life. I know you view this community with a sense of condescention and disgust, but shockingly to you, you're not the only one who doesn't have ridiculous amounts of time to waste on doing such idiotic things.