Elten English Community changes 12/05/2021
Back to Threads Archive#1 nuno69
* Shortened the audio limit to 60 seconds on the voice forum. Please learn to write, its gonna help you.
#2 bomberman29
how to play long jazz in a voice message? i cannot shorten my jazz to 60 seconds
#3 ArcticMoon
If there wasn't a music thread, I'd even agree with this change...
#4 nuno69
Hm, yes. That's true. Wll 120 seconds be OK? This change has been made in odrer to decrease the server load. I am willing to negotiate.
#5 Enes
How about you attach your recordings instead?
-- (bomberman29):
how to play long jazz in a voice message? i cannot shorten my jazz to 60 seconds
#6 hozosch Archived
Yep, good point. But, what if you want to show something in action? That's the only drawback I can see at the moment. I don't have any issues at all with writing.
#7 hozosch Archived
Oh, that's right, make a recording and attach it.
#8 radio729
Or, if somebody wants some of their friends to hear something, they could use the Conference. That is another option.
#9 daszekmdn
I thing that 180 second will be good option.
For example I can't speak fast in this language, but sometimes i would like to reply to someone.
Other people may want to present something, which must get the more time than 60 seconds.
A better solution than 60 seconds would be to increase time to 180 and change to a mixed forum which also allows writing.
#10 nuno69
Thank you. I will consider implementing this change.
#11 musicalmara
Personally I think 120 secs should be sufficient.
#12 Conner
i think that maybe 180 seconds would be nice. i'm sure that there is a file size limmitation, how ever it is a good idea that jenerally if your trying to, ya know, show someone something that is over 1 minit long even, a file upload would be better than a voice message i think.
#13 ArcticMoon
The thing is that if you put a limit, people will send 3 or 4 messages in a row to tell what they wanted to, so it won't help regarding the server.
#14 nuno69
It will help as excessive posting is going to be punished.
#15 Conner
i think it will. all though, i do like people uploading a file rather than sending a year long message ya know?
#16 balteam
180 second is ok.
#17 Jacobww3
If you want my honest answer, I think 180 seconds is fantastic. As that's about what, 5 minutes? I don't post on here much but I'm just helping to spread the vote if you know what I mean.
#18 hozosch Archived
180 seconds are 3 minutes.
#19 railwayguy
I believe with Klango it was 2 minutes for the voice forum, 5 minutes for the messages.
#20 hozosch Archived
That's right.