Wróć do Archive#121 Monkey999
good idea
#122 GeorgeWu
#123 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
To prevent spam, it would be good to have the ability to set even recommended groups so that new members have to be accepted by the moderation. There was spam in the German forum lately (not even automated), and we hope it's going to stay calm now. But for the future it'd be easier like this.
22.01.2023 21:06
#124 railwayguy
Good suggestion!
#125 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
would be nice if pajper would say that, probably he will see it in a few months lol
#126 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
but meh this thing needs a lot of work anyway. I just say we had the user problem at some point...
#127 balteam
It will change nothing, spammers will just wait until you will accept them and they will start to spam after a few days.
It's easier just bann someone after weird posts.
#128 radiorobbe
Of course this strategy only works in the long term if other measures are taken. For example additional community rules in which newbies are asked to fill out their profile in a meaningful way, or even through a short conversation with a moderator. However in an acute situation this can help to ward off the current attack.
Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
#129 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
And who says they're always able to disguise themselves so well you can't help but fall for it? I think the request for invitation should go along with a reason that must be given, there can't be an invitation without reason.
#130 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
Don't you think that you're exaggerating excessively towards those who just want to use Elten as normal. Yes, spammers suck, but that's not going to change. And an invitation with a reason, what comes next, an application, I think the reason is that I want to use the forum, don't you???
#131 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
Sorry if I understand something wrong, just my opinyon.
#132 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
Well, I do get your point.
#133 GeorgeWu
Hi, I have a suggestion, it would be nice if the YouTube program allow us to download playlists.
#134 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
Oof I'd never use elten for that. Not because it won't just lag, no, also because it'd tick all the time in the background, sometimes it took 5 minutes for downloading a 2 minutes vid and elten can't work well in the background. So I'd rather go with pontes or renova music.
#135 fatih
Yes, Elten cannot work in the background at all.
#136 GeorgeWu
There is a new update to the youtube program for Elten. I think the downloads speed on it is much faster on a stable Internet.
#137 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
I have very nice one and it isn't always. Besides, sometimes it says download, but other times it says save. So that is weird. And yet you can't do much more with it than waiting while it converts. Like we said. Elten is 100% unusable in the background. All it can do is update what's new or play sounds of incoming messages etc. You can't load something, it can't start up in bg, so we don't need to talk about youtube here. Not with elten. Of course it got better but I'd never use it for more than a single vid.
#138 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
I mean look for example now when I was sending this. It took a lot of seconds again. This program can't even handle a server with some more users and then it gets complained why noone is online lol. I mean come think of it. A lot of interface must be recoded in my point of view, and I don't think this is gonna happen anytime soon.
#139 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
Although I use this Elten Youtube very much, yup. The server is struggeling rn a little bit lmao.
#140 DianaCician
Yeah, I wouldn't use specifically elten for playlists, not having the patience to be focused on this window that much. I lose patience fast.