Your Elten Questions.
Wróć do Archive#1 railwayguy
Any questions about Elten? Please post them here!
#2 Louisa
Will a verssion of the media catalog b available in the future?
#3 railwayguy
Not in the very near future unless there is an enormous interest for this catalog. That's why I encourage all of you to vote in the pole for the media catalog to vote in favor for a Elten media catalog.
#4 railwayguy
To do this, please go to the Elten network forum and choose the forum thread, "Elten media catalog". From there you can go straight to the pole to vote.
#5 nikolai
Question, if this hasn't already been added, could it be possible to check when a post whas submited in a voice thread?
#6 railwayguy
In every voice thread, when ever a post is added, on the voice thread it says, "New".
#7 nikolai
Yes, but I don't see a way to check the exact date.
#8 radio729
The date the post was created is after the post
#9 Louisa
What happend to the recording function? I went through the list of keyboard shortcuts and it isn't listed.
#10 queenslight
You can get to the recording function, by going to:
Files>Create>New Record, then type in a name for the recording.
#11 bomberman29
how to edit a voating poll, and add a text to subject field?
#12 bomberman29
and how to give administrator privilages in the grou. and remove administration from my selfe?
#13 railwayguy
How do I reach "New Event"?
Each time when I start Elten, I get the signal that there is a new event. How do I reach this item? I checked everywhere and I can't find it!
#14 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
Me too. I try to not let it bother me, but I'd be interested why that sound plays. Nothing seems to have happened though.
#15 radio729
That might be a bug.
#16 Tissman2
Can we edit a title of a topic somehow?
#17 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
Only admins can do this.
#18 bomberman29
is there a possibility to run elten on the mac with wine installed?
#19 Enes
How do we add a user to our blacklist?
#20 railwayguy
Please do the following:
Press the Alt key and then the letter C and then the letter A.
Arrow down to "Privacy" and press the Tab key until you have found the blacklist button and press enter on it.
Then press Control N and type in the name of the person you want To blacklist and press enter. The person should now be blacklisted. The user name of the person must be written correctly!