Let's shape future of this group
Wróć do Threads Archive#441 marchoffmann
Get done with sentance building kids. It's obviously not gonna improve, and it's neptunes job now xd. Either way, he keeps using those second accounts partly, but most of them are spam, for example in a german thing. Also, am I the only one here that doesn't have a second account?
#442 karmien
My main account, karmienmedias, is gone due to the fact that i was hacked on that one and i had to switch account. I have no idea what you mean about spam accounts.
#443 fatih
I have no second account and i'm happy with that. Btw, wasn't neptune from the US? How can he spam on German forums?
#444 karmien
I think he mend to say that it is neptunes job to create broken sentences and not to spam the german forum, i can confirm that there was no spam in the forum by this user. Yes, i would prefer not to have double accounts either. I also made n account switch from Simter to karmien a few years ago, these days i would just have sticked with the simter account to keep confusion out of the way. But well, you never stop learning.
#445 musicman5464
The only account I have is this one, and as I don't wish to possibly get banned, I'll only be keeping this one.
#446 daszekmdn
About Karmien candidature i'm also sceptical.
I remember all he's blog posts where was a lot of drama etc. Also he had ban on another forum where created few multi accounds to skip it.
Finally some time ago, he offered his hosting services and about this too there was an argument on the forum, a lot of unnecessary storm. Therefore, I don't very much believe that something has changed.
I personally I am very much in favor of arctic candidature because she was good moderator, as the only one involved from the previous team to fixing mess here. She have potential to be really good admin, but before didn't had all tools to work on everything.
Remember that moderator and admin privileges here are differend. Mod can't do some things which admin can.
#447 theblack
I don't know Karmien and I don't know if he is qualified. but in my opinion, the best option to manage this forum is ArcticMoon.
She has been seen working hard and very interested in helping the entire community solve this problem.
#448 marchoffmann
Well recent drama and her behavior though, o I don't know either. But previously she was ok I guess yeh. And yes, I ment that it's neptunes job now to correct everyones spelling even though his spelling isn't the best, even how he himself says surprisingly *rofl*. Nah but anyways. You know what happened in the alternative german comunity. You know it very well, karmien. And you're known to pointlessly troll / spam around, it's not even funny that's the problem. But yeah. Why do you have this and the simter account then. I mean you used that one very recently too, now switched back once more, dude. No afence just don't get it
#449 karmien
@dash complaining about 2 year old blog posts and adleast 1 year old agnet drama? Wow. Btw, from that site i was permabanned, which is forum.audiogames.net, moon is banned as well. Her name there was destranis and well she didn't make alt accounts(which i admittetly did in 2021 and it was not smart) but she was actually equally often banned then me there (2 1 year bans in a short circle and at last a permanent ban). Regarding drama arctic moon is barely better then my 2021 self with the only difference that my drama happened, well in 2020/2021 and hers only a month or 2 ago.
#450 karmien
and when we are already warming up old drama(why does the community has such a habit for doing that?) we can also check the topic about railway and arctic moons poor handling of situations. And let's not forget shortly before her demotion she shooted against the community as a whole and implied basically that she and the old team where one of the only persons who could administer this community which in my perspective is not a good atitude for a fair administration.
#451 thespyde
I only have one account,, and I'll go ahead and cast my vote for Arctic Moon.
#452 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
oh, thats gonna be awesome here soon... not, wow. wow, just not more I can say about this. Also do I care? vote who you want but tbh, noone asked for any second accounts or who votes who here, the secondary accounts where topic because karmien, more doesn't matters and since I am not really convinced by anyone here yet I'll probably not vote except its important to vote someone else than a person who poisons this group completely. But you really should think about how the community behavior and the atmosphere changes with the admin. This won't be fun people!
#453 karmien
Ok, elten keeps screwing over my posts. I have spend the last half hour writing a blog post and was then trying to grab a peace of evidance from the forum, which resulted in my whole post beeing deleted from the blog editor. If people want i can rewrite it, how ever i must do this later. For now, let's summ it up pretty quick and hopefully stop this stupid nowhere leading discussion.
- my audiogames drama was stupid and so i distanced my self from that over a year ago.
- Arctic moon her self was banned on there 3 times for in my opinion much worse reasons then i was.
- Arctic moon is flat out lying in her aplication by claiming she helping remove troublesome users from the community when in fact she only gave occasional warnings, the only few banns that happened where issued by nuno.
- Arctic moon was already involved in controversy in 2021 due to acting hastily on a topic and then acting unprofessional, when confronted she tried to put the blame for it on me.
- Arctic moon has shown that she doesn't even really like the community by insulting the community as a whole shortly before her demotion, quote, "But on a more private note, who would you choose? Some number-leaker guys who can’t control themselves? Some 13-olds who’s biggest problem is primary school and the fact that they don’t get the newest iPhone from their parents? Some other guys with different behavior problems? Because that is exactly what we have around here, in the english community, except a few adequate people, who keep advising things which may would work."
I have no understanding why you would vote for such a person. I am not even saying you should or must vote for me, how ever it seams i am the only other aplicant for now, i hope more will be coming though.
#454 fatih
Is the pole open, or is this a theorical discusssion?
#455 karmien
the poll will open on 04.11 if i remember right
#456 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
Yes, read this post then you know! Vote for the future English Community Administrator, Author: pajper, posts: 3, Unread: 0
#457 khalil2009
from what I seen so far I would have to be disagree with the clames of ArcticMoon being a good admin, look at post's 140 and 148 and you see what I'm talking about
#458 karmien
agree@457. She keeps showing that she can't tell the difference between bullshitting, insulting and critisicing. Another thing that you don't want a moderator of a community to have, neither an administrator.
#459 fatih
Ok, I'll read and have a look into it
-- (Jonathan):
Yes, read this post then you know! Vote for the future English Community Administrator, Author: pajper, posts: 3, Unread: 0
#460 marchoffmann
Right now, I'll vote for neither of them, and really hope that other candidates come in until the vote begins.