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#421 Jonathan

hu? how to come to this person now? I don't get yall anymore. you are so random.

2023-10-21 21:00

#422 GeorgeWu

Not trying to make fun here but I put punctuations on my queries and I always correct my own spelling mistakes.
Just saying.

2023-10-22 00:03

#423 khalil2009

your telling us this why?

2023-10-22 00:05

#424 GeorgeWu

didn't know what I was doing then, sorry.

2023-10-22 04:42

#425 marchoffmann

I didn't see enes just yet, but maybe I'm just not in this comunity all day to realise it and read all the threads lmao. But rip I'd suppose?

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Yeah. Something like that.
2023-10-22 12:56

#426 marchoffmann

I didn't feel like creating an extra thread at this point just for that, so here we go. What yall think about karmiens application. Especially the germans among us. It's probably not just me who is very, very, very sceptical... Especially do to making many accounts, including some spam ones, and some other comunity drama. I'm not quite convinced why I should trust him.

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Yeah. Something like that.
2023-10-26 07:33

#427 Jonathan

Well, my first answer wasn't send because my bad internet. So once again, I can agree to that! Honestly, I can't imagine him as an admin, because I never saw him as one, but yea, I also don't feel like trusting him is a good idea anymore.
I know this is probably starting the next pointless discussion with him so I'll keep my words by me for now, but what I can say is that I can't imagine that he is an independent and impartial admin
Oh well, and also not to forget that he isn't that active. At least from what I see he often isn't reacting on pm's and also in the forum its not that much. Wouldn't be a big problem but one more point why its difficult to imagine how he would act here in general.

Edytowano 2023-10-26 08:46

#428 Jonathan

Sorry for this post, I failed editing my other one, please delete it!

Edytowano 2023-10-26 08:51

#429 karmien

Indead i was not this active on elten in summer2023 since i did not use windows at that time, but now i use it every day and also use elten every day. I also ask @jonathan to keep our private drama out of this topic.

Put all your trust into the dragonlord. He knows the only way to the altschauerberg8
2023-10-26 10:36

#430 Jonathan

could you show me a sentence in wich where private drama? I am just sharing my opinion and that builds itself by my experience. As you also could tell marc to keep german drama out for example. And whats even private? Thats the next thing, most stuff at least the germans allready know. So it has been asked for my opinion, here is it, conversation endet.

2023-10-26 10:47

#431 Jonathan

Oh, just one last thing I wanna clarify here. I don't want to atack any one here, my only goal was giving a honest opinion with my feelings, maybe I was a little bit to hasty with that response and didn't talk about the probably good sides, but yea, just that to say!

Edytowano 2023-10-26 11:45

#432 ArcticMoon

Maybe I'm stupid or I didn't read through everything but where in the hell did anyone mention Karmien in this topic?

2023-10-26 13:10

#433 Jonathan

Marc did, based on his aplication, but well lets be honest I have nothing better to say about you. no offence but trust? aehm, yea, replace the word with drama I guess. And I think I am not the only one who thinks like that although its probably waisted time to even write those words.

Edytowano 2023-10-26 14:57

#434 karmien

Although i have no aim in engaging in discussions about the aplicants, i have to say, pretty acurate @jonathan.

Put all your trust into the dragonlord. He knows the only way to the altschauerberg8
2023-10-26 15:01

#435 Jonathan

What I honestly would found interesting to know in the aplications is who they want to put as mod, because if we vote someone and think okay, this person is not bad, but the mods are getting horrible, noone is helped.

2023-10-26 15:13

#436 karmien

i mostly agree, how ever it could cause chaos when aplicants suggest people that have not agreed or similar. When it comes to me though i can say that i have a few ideas but would also allow people to aply for mod position.

Put all your trust into the dragonlord. He knows the only way to the altschauerberg8
2023-10-26 15:16

#437 balteam

You should write more details, howm many english groups do you have? If you change the names of forums, and so on.
In polish community we just had a diferent group only for candidates, all of them had their threads and they could write something more about themselves and answear for questions.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
2023-10-26 16:39

#438 rudolf

@post426 I agree. I'm sorry to say but probably we all, well maybe rather the german people, know that he is in some things really not trustable. also I'm wondering when some moderators/admins are banning a guy wich is not 13 because the age, I'm wondering why it is allowed that a person, in this case karmien AKA simter, who has more than 2 accounts in elten if this is also not allowed? please tell it to me.

2023-10-26 17:21

#439 rudolf

I mean that I am wondering why a person can have more than 2 accounts and be admin?

2023-10-26 17:21

#440 Jonathan

hu, I don't get you, what with 13 or not?

also, everyone has second accounts here, me, you, does anyone cares no, but still, its against the rules so what should we do?
your sentence building is, questionable btw, just saying.
-- (rudolf):
@post426 I agree. I'm sorry to say but probably we all, well maybe rather the german people, know that he is in some things really not trustable. also I'm wondering when some moderators/admins are banning a guy wich is not 13 because the age, I'm wondering why it is allowed that a person, in this case karmien AKA simter, who has more than 2 accounts in elten if this is also not allowed? please tell it to me.


Edytowano 2023-10-26 17:33