Group for Elten Sponsors
Wróć do Threads Archive#21 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
Bruh, noone sayd we could make it better, but that are facts. We are just sharing our opinions. And I am myself a sponsor, so meh.
#22 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
+ yea, the Elten Client has so many bugs, especialy with audio playing, I don't know. I mean yea, I like the IOS App but we can't start everything and then just let it behind. The main thing should always be the computer client, and how the fuck is the server so expensive?
#23 Julitka
Inflation etc. :p
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#24 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
I mean, you also needa look behind the seens, not just say what people seem to tell you, and look at the conditions. If Pajper has no time, then he should sell it, or search some developers who are interested. + the programming language, idk what to think about this. imo, the bugs and stuff is so random here, that you would probably would need to rewrite the whole thing + server what would take ages, at least in that conditions so just forget it.
#25 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
Uh, yea. I am sur e you would find a server for like, 1k a year, or, less. This is completely over expensive. idk what exactly the requirements are, but TF?
-- (Julitka):
Inflation etc. :p
#26 Julitka
If we could find it, it would just work for years from now. Please don't moralize if you don't know the context, ok?
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#27 Julitka
And find someone who would buy this platform, at least. :D
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#28 rudolf
yeah, who would buy this buggy stuff. sorry but e. and also, agree to @jonny.
#29 Julitka
Well... How many of you have Freedom Scientific Jaws or other products? Or may be Abby Finereader? Or Reaper? Or may be Protools? Are you used to address their developers in such a manner? :)
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#30 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
Jaws? Feew. Also that is a random question. Also agree with Jonathan. O and many want the source of this to host servers and stuff, I've heard that a lot. So I wouldn't think so stupidly about that.
#31 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
And you don't need to command elten users to make it better broh. This is just a list of facts and you don't need to wonder about us, users who want this to be nice, asking true questions.
#32 Julitka
Didn't answer to my questions at all, so no need to proceed. :D
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#33 pajper
Well, since developing this program is so easy and there are so many willing developers, I cordially invite you!
Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
#34 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
If you say we avoided your questions, well, then you didn't get the point of what I was actually saying either.
#35 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
And there in the what's wrong with elten thread, well, there was also someone who was able to program just saying. So you guys don't act like there arn't enough people who'd even be willing to improve it. But it seems unprofessional to me that when reading critisism ya ask for elten users to develop it. bruh Lol. And this entire polish this or that from earlier, don't really get that. If you say polish comunity is so much better, why is there an english one. And if you say to make it more international, why do you complain about critisism. I don't get so many points here. I could surely go on but this is what is in my head right now.
#36 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
Again, one with (apparently) no time for this all shouldn't need to have such a program running in the first place.
#37 Julitka
If there's a guy willing to cooperate, this link is just for him, yeah?
-- (pajper):
Well, since developing this program is so easy and there are so many willing developers, I cordially invite you!
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#38 ArcticMoon
Julitka and Pajper. While I absolutely respect your opinions and feel your anger, there are a few things people are rightfully complaining about. If a program is buggy and slow, people don't tell it to you so they can create more drama, but to point out all the errors. Most of us aren't programmists and we aren't able to do better. That's why each to their own. I, as a russian-hungarian translator, maybe could translate something much better than if a programmist started to do the same. But I'd never be able to write a program myself, which a programmist could do in a few days.
Elten is definitely a great program for those blind folks, who need the simplest and most intuitive interface ever. The community, at which the program is aimed, doesn't really care about snappyness, but as the younger generation started to use Elten, we already see what's wrong.
I'd ddefinitely help if I could, that's mainly why I applied as a moderator. I even wanted to translate Elten into hungarian, so even more folks could join, and then I didn't have enough time so I didn't start working on a proper translation.
However, there's only one problem. When several people sent me the ominous message about discriminating Russia, I felt like my morals can't hold on and help as nothing has happened, so I created a topic, here, in the elten english community.
Cryticism doesn't mean anyone could do better. You don't need to be a Michelin-starred master chef to criticize a food, as well as you don't need to be a programmer to make your concerns about an application. Developers, in fact, need testers, people to tell them about errors and critical bugs, to help them make the said application better. Of course, aggressive criticism is awful, and I don't support that. But saying that if you don't have anything better to do than criticize then cooperate, that's not professional at all, I'm sorry.
I'm sitting next to a programmer every day and see how he works, sometimes develops apps, writes smaller functions, updaters, corrects codes, and he's always up to hear concerns. He's always glad to hear opinions on how he could improve his programs, and doesn't become angry at all if I, for example, tell him hey, this one works awful, do something. Of course not like that, but you get it :)
As far as I know, and even programmers told me, that I write bug reports and suggestions very well, and even if I'm not sure about that, I still believe there's always a solution and for example I can write such reports and suggestions in a way that people don't snap at me and say ok, if you know better, let's cooperate. That's the weapon of the weak ones, I'm sorry to say.
#39 cyrmax
Hello, guys.
First of all, it was me who mentioned my programming skills in another topic on this forum.
I said that unfortunately I do not know ruby at all and so I cannot contribute to the development process.
If Elten would have a stable open API, I would write another client in Python or CSharp. But ruby... No, sorry. I do not want to spend my time to learn a new language just to help in developing some buggy network that supports piracy and nazism.
Now about money and server costs... I am very surprised with a price that Julitka mentioned. It is just unreal! Be realistic: Pajper published a link to the server configuration that he uses, and every of you can read it and check its cost.
I have a similar server and pay something about 500 or 600 euros per year.
So before writing nosense messages please read and analyze... Or provide proofs to not be just bla bla bla forum poster.
#40 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane
I agree to marchoffmann and arctic here, absolutely!
Yea... whatever, since its just waisted time and noone really gets the points I'll, see where this topic goes.