Build To Survive Update Version 5.0.8
Back to Threads Archive#1 MatthewSmithYT
Hello. I would like to make you aware of the new update for Build To Survive. This is a game previously developed by Tunmi13 and mohamedSulaiman, but is now only being developed by mohamed due to some issues between the two. Anyways, version 5.0.8 is out, and so are custom servers. If you want to connect to my server, or play in general, go download the game at and choose Matthew's Server from the server list.
#2 Snajper22
What is the game about and is it for windows or not?
Cormac McCarthy, "Droga"
#3 laulau
this game is for windows
#4 MatthewSmithYT
It's for windows, and it's a game where you can build and fight with other players
#5 patrykkubaszczyk Archived
hi, tunmi has took over build to survive.
#6 MatthewSmithYT
yup, you're right. Forgot to update this.
#7 marchoffmann Archived
Does someone has a surver with more then 2 players online?
#8 musical_marilyn
sounds cool.
#9 marchoffmann Archived
Yes it is, but the game is no longer in development