Your introduction
Back to Mixed forum#501 John_Berden
#502 starchild
#503 Werner_Katz
#504 neptune
I love fireworks btw.
#505 Louisa
I can't stand fireworks. I find them horoble. Just out of interest, what is this public holiday for? I mean the 4th of july one. And why must there be fireworks? I guess I could just go and look it up, but if anyone is prepared to answer. Thanks in advance.
#506 neptune
American Independints day.
#507 starchild
#508 Louisa
Thanks for your explanation. I'll look it up sometime.
#509 GeorgeWu
#510 fatih
George, can you show us your Chinese skills? It'd be interesting to hear you speak Chinese.
Are your ancestors from MAinland China , Hong Kong or Taiwan, and from which city did they come to Canada?
#511 GeorgeWu
#512 starchild
#513 Emrah20
#514 mohammed
It is certainly cantonese not Mandarin.
#515 GeorgeWu
#516 fatih
Are cantonese and Mandarin mutually intelligible to some extent or not at all?