Your introduction
Back to Mixed forum#421 Werner_Katz
np I think
#422 hozosch Archived
Besides, people can turn up the volume with up arrow while playing.
#423 Djonan
#424 GeorgeWu
#425 mreiser
#426 TheBlindTechGuy
#427 DianaCician
#428 Tehiverse
#429 ArcticMoon
Diana, finally we hear your voice! :)
#430 Louisa
#431 pooch754
#432 GeorgeWu
#433 Tehiverse
#434 DianaCician
Nah my voice is pretty ugly IMO :D yours is amazing, though.
-- (ArcticMoon):
Diana, finally we hear your voice! :)
#435 marchoffmann
wrong mindset.
#436 marchoffmann
lol @post434, actually you have a british accent, I didn't think that.
#437 thespyde
To post 438, your voice is very nice! So there!
#438 mohammed
See Diana? Everyone agrees with me. Stop talking bad about your voice lol
#439 Kaito
#440 Djonan
@diana post 438 nah, it isn't.