Easy meal to prepare for the blind
Back to Community discussions#1 Emrah20
Now I have a question for those, who cook.
What is easy meal for You to cook?
Thank You.
#2 thespyde
I've had lots of experience with what I like to call bachelor food. I don't have a problem with it unless there are many steps to do to prepare it. Most of it that I bought I could punch a couple holes in the cover and chunk it in the trusty microwave.
Boiling eggs, wieners, that kind of thing, is easy enough as well.
#3 axelsUniverse
Anything that has instructions, some braille, knowledge, and boom!
#4 djsenter
Boiling eggs, sausages, preparing instant noodles, making sandwiches in a sandwich maker, depends what you class as cooking, but a lot can be prepared relatively easy.