Back to Community discussions#1 Emrah20
It is maybe strange question, but why not to ask It. What is easy to prefer to eat icecream?
From glass, or from cornut?
Thank You.
#2 ArcticMoon
Of course from glass. But I personally have no problems eating from a cornut either.
#3 Emrah20
I have such problem, because I can't stick out my tongue to correct shape and icecream will be soon out on My clothes. In this case It'll be good to have other person, who is sighted.
#4 ArcticMoon
It might sound horrible for some people, so read carefully.
When I eat from a cornut, I use not only my tongue, but my teeth as well. The tongue keeps theicecream in balance and also takes it to the mouth, and teeth control it from above. I can't explain differently.
#5 aldenmaster
Not sure about what a cornut exactly is, but the best thing I c///an come up with here is a cone. At least in the United States and the hot weather of Florida, you are almost required to scarf down your ice cream as fast as you can, assuming you bought it from an ice cream shop rather than making a bowl at home. For one thing, it's already melting when you get it, and no matter if you get a cone or cup of ice cream, no matter the size, they put two times the amout of ice cream that should be in the cup. Once you've gotten the level of ice cream with the cup or cone, you have already passed the brainfreeze phase and your mouth is numb, and you can finally slow down a little. it may sound like I really don't like ice cream, but it can be pretty good. There's so many flavors but you gotta eat it quick to not make a huge mess.
#6 Emrah20
Me too. I use both teeth and tongue as well. And yes, cornut is coin in English countries. Thank You for Your explanation.
#7 GeorgeWu
I prefer eating ice cream on a cone
#8 djsenter
Both are ok, but I definitely have a preference for the cone. If the amount of icecream isn't exceeding the top to the point that the icecream just falls out of the cone, I can carefully enjoy it, though can't say that it never happened to get something, or someone dirty in the process, including myself lol. But that's only when moving around or something.
#9 thespyde
I experienced an edible container, larger than a cone here in Germany, and that thing was yummy, and so was the ice cream, smile! The container was sort of like a flat-bottomed bowl with flared sides, somehow more flavorful than a cone.
I also like eating ice cream from other inedible containers.
#10 ArcticMoon
Yeees we have that as well, and it's very cool :)
-- (thespyde):
I experienced an edible container, larger than a cone here in Germany, and that thing was yummy, and so was the ice cream, smile! The container was sort of like a flat-bottomed bowl with flared sides, somehow more flavorful than a cone.
I also like eating ice cream from other inedible containers.
#11 aldenmaster
Sometimesyou can find what's called a waffle bowl. Imagine a cone but an entire bowl made of the same sort of thing.
#12 thespyde
Yep, that's what I was talking about, but it has more flavor than a cone.
#13 djsenter
Yeah, I have the same experience. It's like that waffle bowl has additional flavouring...