
#21 Jonathan

Dude these days everyone has memory problems, I literally forget if I have flushed the toilet because I'm adicted to my phone
Na but seriously I'm sorry to hear and hope it get's better soon. Personally I have a ccontroversial opinion on therapy, but that's probably because my therapists were just bad and couldn't help me in my situation.
Also I agree to arctic though, imo you haven't done anything huge wrong in particular. Not worse than everyone else in the crazy situations this program was and is in.

2025-02-07 15:30

#22 rudolf

I somewhat can agree with the memory thing, I have been worrying wether it is normal that I do not really know particular much of my past. Like, I know at least a bit what I have done at important dates (e.g. 9. April, car accident, etc), but I can't even remember what exactly happened in January or February 2024 for instance. Again, I can remember a lot of things but then on the other hand it feels like no more than a big mist.

2025-02-07 17:41

#23 Jacobww3

That's nice. Really nice I like it. Friends make up for what you have done.

sincerely, Jacob Way-White, Elten English community administrator
2025-02-08 16:06

#24 Emrah20

No problem.
I have sometimes same feeling, but It was due to Me, that I made mistakes too.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.
2025-02-11 14:57

#25 GamerKid

I agree about the medications standpoint. Pills don't fix everything, however they do give you the feeling of knowing that in some way, depression can be cured slowly but surely. Medications like zoloft, lexapro and prozac take a good month or more to kick in though, which if you can wait that long, the mild side affects while waiting, i.e. nausia, head aches, and stomach pains, are indeed worth it.

Until I figgure out what to put here for real, this is what you will see.
2025-02-12 04:04

#26 Emrah20

I'm sorry, I won't agree with this! I've experiences with such things and You can sleep and hormones doesn't work. If You'll use It, You will be tired.
I have other idea. Get pause of Elten and such forums until everything will be good.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.
2025-02-12 09:18

#27 GamerKid

Umm, what? I'm now confused. Anyways...

Until I figgure out what to put here for real, this is what you will see.
2025-02-12 13:47

#28 Jacobww3

I think what post 26 is saying, is take a break from elten until you're back to normal so as not to run the risk of anything bad happening. Am I right?

sincerely, Jacob Way-White, Elten English community administrator
2025-02-12 16:31

#29 cyrmax

Yep, they've gave me prozac. Fluoxitin is the main actor there as I know.
And yep, it gives the full effect after a month or so, but it also gives you enough energy to live and to deal with other problems.
-- (GamerKid):
I agree about the medications standpoint. Pills don't fix everything, however they do give you the feeling of knowing that in some way, depression can be cured slowly but surely. Medications like zoloft, lexapro and prozac take a good month or more to kick in though, which if you can wait that long, the mild side affects while waiting, i.e. nausia, head aches, and stomach pains, are indeed worth it.


Aliqua subscriptio hic esse debet, sed nesciebam quid ibi scriberem.
2025-02-20 17:00