I want to buy an external ssd.
Back to Computers and Technology#1 alfi
Hello. I want to buy a 2 tb external ssd. What do you recommend?
I would like to buy it for my laptop, which has USB c and USB a ports.
#2 radiorobbe
I have a 1 TB Samsung T7, as far as I know it is available with up to 4 TB capacity. Mine has a fingerprint sensor, but the software is inaccessible and therefore I'm only using it as a normal external drive.
Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
#3 thedominator
Well, all I have was a 1 tb portable ssd. Its by sandisk, and I got it from amazon for about 70 dollars.
#4 blindTechProductions
Mind sending the link to that one? I'm looking at getting one of those myself
#5 thedominator
Ok, I will try and find it again.
#6 thedominator
Ok, hear is the link. And before you say, this is not a scamm lol. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RSH8YDJ?ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_sms_apan_dp_QDDGPMY10H7850WVNJBP&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1&th=1
#7 blindTechProductions
I'm pritty sure if it isn't if you say its from sandisk
#8 thedominator
Yeah, your rite.
#9 daszekmdn
I recommend disks from WD.