
Sound recorder not recording my voice, only NVDA

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#1 Louisa


As the subject line says, I've been trying to record my voice, however, I only get NVDA. For example, start recording, stop recording, that's the only thing that comes through. I've tried using my microphone headset, with the same result. And without the headset, the same thing. I have done a google search, but can't find anything.

So any idea to fix this?


2024-10-05 23:22

#2 thespyde

Make sure whatever microphone you want to use is selected in settings as the default device.

Charles Wells
2024-10-06 11:10

#3 Louisa

So, would I have to go to privacy settings, and the bit that says allow aps to use my microphone? Or the other one that says, set up a microphone.

2024-10-06 19:24

#4 thespyde

Maybe both. Just make sure, in the end, that the microphone you want to use is set to being used as your default device. Sometimes apps will request permission to use the microphone and/or camera, but you might can deal with all that in privacy settings.

Charles Wells
2024-10-07 10:53

#5 rudolf

Hmm. It probably would help if you'd tell what you're using to record yourself. You also can press windows plus r, type mmsys.cpl and then check your default input device and possibely change it.

2024-10-07 14:28

#6 Louisa

I was using a headset. I'm not to sure of its brand name. I'll try the tip you mentioned.
-- (rudolf):
Hmm. It probably would help if you'd tell what you're using to record yourself. You also can press windows plus r, type mmsys.cpl and then check your default input device and possibely change it.


2024-10-08 00:15

#7 rudolf

No, I mean the app or program.

2024-10-08 08:40

#8 daszekmdn

Press Windows+R, then write
and Press enter.
Now you need to go to the tab called recording. You can do it by pressing CTRL+Tab one time.
Now, find your microphone. It can be named Microphone and something like product name or the Mic producer.
Press tab and find something like Set this microphone as a default device (Sorry, i have Windows in Polish, so probably it's named slightly differend).
Press space on it. Then press OK button and probably done.

Sygnatura to może być w sądzie. Sygnatura sprawy np. :P
Edited 2024-10-08 19:07

#9 Louisa

I'm using sound recorder. And thanks for the further tips.

2024-10-10 02:07

#10 Louisa

Hi, the problem is now sorted out. I followed the instructions in the previous post, and it works now. No interference, from NVDA.

2024-10-12 01:42