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#1 swetGamer

what are your thoughts. I make like 1000000 dollars from it a month

2024-07-07 21:31

#2 blindpro

yeah you be watching it don't you? l bozo trash mid

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
2024-07-07 23:19

#3 techboy

dude what the fuck noah that is the most nonsensical sentence. Wtf does l bozo trash mid even mean anyway.

Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
2024-07-08 00:35

#4 khalil2009

what the hell is this topic even anyway

2024-07-08 01:44

#5 Sir-Charlie

It's clearly a troll. Move on.

All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
2024-07-08 02:52

#6 ArcticMoon

Well this happens without the required people not checking the forum regularly. :)

2024-07-08 18:20

#7 Adasadula

WTF :D, one day and this is still here?

Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
2024-07-08 20:27

#8 ArcticMoon

Yeah that's what I'm saying xd

-- (Adasadula):
WTF :D, one day and this is still here?


2024-07-08 21:27