
Please give us the ability to change our usernames or have them changed by an admin.

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#1 rwbeardjr2001

I discussed this here a couple years ago, but I would like to bring it up again.
This is a username that I haven't used in years, and I would like to have it changed.
I understand not wanting to confuse users or possibly even having users try to change their names in order to cover up things that they have done, but that's why we should only allow a set number of name changes, or require an admin to do it.
I would even be willing to make a small payment to get rid of this username.

2024-02-14 22:00

#2 rudolf

it's not possible and probably never will be. this has been discussed already tousent of times.

2024-02-14 22:10

#3 rwbeardjr2001

Is it possible to delete an account then?

2024-02-14 23:08

#4 marchoffmann Archived

No! It is possible to, archive, it...

2024-02-15 04:49

#5 daszekmdn

It's impossible because of the database structure.

Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
Edited 2024-02-15 14:48

#6 GeorgeWu

It will be nice if one day you are allowed to change your username and to delete accounts as well.

2024-02-15 23:00

#7 marchoffmann Archived

Broh it is not possible, why can't you understand it?

2024-02-16 04:37

#8 marchoffmann Archived

I'm not really happy sticking to marchoffmann but what shall I do? It's how it is period.

2024-02-16 04:38

#9 daszekmdn

Really, read the topic before you post @george.

Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
2024-02-16 09:03

#10 rudolf

thanks for saying my thoughts last 3 posts.

2024-02-16 13:13

#11 GeorgeWu

Mark why are you like that? I'm just stating my thoughts.

2024-02-16 18:36

#12 rudolf

because you asked that thingy already like 39 times, and in 20 cases pajper or someone else answered and said that it isn't possible as elten works with usernames and not with IDs, and changing that is pretty inpossible.

2024-02-16 18:38

#13 rudolf

post5 (btw is a reason, that one which I mean)
-- (rudolf):
because you asked that thingy already like 39 times, and in 20 cases pajper or someone else answered and said that it isn't possible as elten works with usernames and not with IDs, and changing that is pretty inpossible.


2024-02-16 18:39

#14 rudolf

hey george!
I could understand if you felt attacked, but he just means that you already got an answer that it is not working.
post 12 with less offensive words.
-- (GeorgeWu):
Mark why are you like that? I'm just stating my thoughts.


2024-02-16 18:41

#15 GeorgeWu

I mean this request has been so popular and sometimes I can't really help it out.

2024-02-16 19:00

#16 rudolf

what do you mean with "help it out"?

2024-02-16 19:18

#17 marchoffmann Archived

Idk man. Sometimes when he's like this he just says o I have autism and then he can go write whatever he wants or something?

2024-02-16 20:02

#18 Jacobww3

I think he was just doing a suggestion for like the future. Not for something that needs to happen now.

sincerely, Jacob Way-White, Elten English community administrator
2024-02-16 22:25

#19 daszekmdn

But it will not be changed in the future!

Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
2024-02-17 00:00

#20 daszekmdn

Can anyone understand thats impossible? i.m.p.o.s.s.i.b.l.e

Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
2024-02-17 00:01