I know this isn't the right place to put this but at this point I don't even know anymore
Back to Threads Archive#161 alchappers
lmao funny how people complain about someone posting in a thread that's not even been inactive for a day, lol
#162 karmien
And you keep searching for something to complain over. In my understanding, even funnier.
-- (alchappers):
lmao funny how people complain about someone posting in a thread that's not even been inactive for a day, lol
#163 alchappers
I wasn't even complaining lol
-- (karmien):
And you keep searching for something to complain over. In my understanding, even funnier.
-- (alchappers):
lmao funny how people complain about someone posting in a thread that's not even been inactive for a day, lol
#164 Sir-Charlie
@162 just drop it, man. What do you hope to achieve with the one liners? He'll come back and say something foolish, you'll respond, he'll say something even more ridiculous, yada yada yada yada. I'm not sure why 158 brought back a quieting down shitshow with nothing of substantive value, but never the less continuing to engage with alchappers isn't helping matters. I'm going to ignore this topic after this post, and I suggest the lot of you follow suit if you're actually tired of drama.
#165 marchoffmann
Yes, revive. Because this discussion was heated and now it was over. See what you did now. I knew exactly you'd be like uh, revive? But maybe you get it now.
-- (rudolf):
revive? a 16 hours old thread is not, like a 5 year old thing which will be revived by anybody.
#166 alchappers
Its funny how its gone from a heated discussion to this, LMAO
#167 khalil2009
if your wanting to leave all drama behind,then why are you still replying to this?
#168 mattcurtis3
you know, if you want I could show davemadson's videos, some of them
-- (techboy):
you can't end of discussion me you're not my dad. my dad can, not you.
-- (alchappers):
That was a short GoAnimate video, not me farting into the mic, and no, Davemadson's videos and the quotes such as Sam's laugh line are not childish, that's that, end of discussion!
-- (techboy):
it is though. So is posting videos of you doing cringey shit like farting loudly into the microphone to tiktok.
-- (alchappers):
Its only quoting a laugh line from Davemadson's videos, its not childish
-- (techboy):
how adault of you.
-- (alchappers):
As said by Microsoft Sam, hahahahahahahahahah swah swah swah swah rofl rofl rofl rofl!
-- (karmien):
Yes, exactly. All the others where turning this topic in a shitshow. Adult alex did nothing wrong. Lol.
-- (alchappers):
I agree mate, they've turned it into a total shitshow
-- (blazy-enterprises):
good god, if I were an admin, I would close this shit storm of a topic by now.
#169 mattcurtis3
hate to say this, because it also brings me into this ass float, but, I have to agree here
-- (rambo):
The straight-up arrogance coming from you is absolutely preposterous. You seem to have this panorama that because you're an adult, you're somehow superior to people underage. You also can't seem to stop proving to the rest of this community that your maturity level is around the age of a 10-year-old. To exemplify my point, you somehow find the need to argue with a 13-year-old, instead of stepping back and letting this go. I also find it absurd how you find the need to threaten the individuals of this thread with nothing but thinnly veiled threats. So please, do us all a favor and kindly climb off your state of grandiose narcissism and rethink your life.
#170 alchappers
Good idea lol
-- (mattcurtis3):
you know, if you want I could show davemadson's videos, some of them
-- (techboy):
you can't end of discussion me you're not my dad. my dad can, not you.
-- (alchappers):
That was a short GoAnimate video, not me farting into the mic, and no, Davemadson's videos and the quotes such as Sam's laugh line are not childish, that's that, end of discussion!
-- (techboy):
it is though. So is posting videos of you doing cringey shit like farting loudly into the microphone to tiktok.
-- (alchappers):
Its only quoting a laugh line from Davemadson's videos, its not childish
-- (techboy):
how adault of you.
-- (alchappers):
As said by Microsoft Sam, hahahahahahahahahah swah swah swah swah rofl rofl rofl rofl!
-- (karmien):
Yes, exactly. All the others where turning this topic in a shitshow. Adult alex did nothing wrong. Lol.
-- (alchappers):
I agree mate, they've turned it into a total shitshow
-- (blazy-enterprises):
good god, if I were an admin, I would close this shit storm of a topic by now.
#171 techboy
no fuck dave madson why did you have to revive this it was calm
#172 alchappers
Bruh Dave Madson's cool
-- (techboy):
no fuck dave madson why did you have to revive this it was calm
#173 techboy
WHATEVER goodbye
#174 darkchild Archived
what ever? what a kid lol.
-- (alchappers):
-- (marchoffmann):
Funny how you do it once more and, again, try to give advice which you should best consider to give to yourself.
-- (alchappers):
Whatever, you'll never get admin, nore will a load of you who have been quote unquote sturring drama, not me. Here's some advice, consider the fact that you are contributing to this group thing going down the toilet.
-- (karmien):
As much as I dislike what arctic moon does sometimes, in this situation it was just correct what she said and you won't have any luck wit reporting her for what ever. To be honest, if i was admin, by this point you would have a warning, because you keep stirring up drama in this topic, not stopping it at all.
-- (alchappers):
Andyou've not earned any respect from Pajper or anyone, in fact I'm contacting him to suggest that some people on here get warned or suspended for toxicity, like you, I'm trying to stop the drama, not cause it, so stop being a bitch making comments like that and STFU before you make things worse for yourself!
-- (ArcticMoon):
Sometimes children behave much better and more adequately then some adults. I don't respect people based on their age but their behavior. You haven't earned that position yet from any of us.
-- (alchappers):
I do, and you are not in a position to say stuff like that, you are a child.
-- (khalil2009):
your an adult? well act like one then
#175 darkchild Archived
I agree
-- (Sir-Charlie):
just ignore him. This isn't going anywhere. 70 posts have been made since I last observed this topic and nothing new has been said.
#176 darkchild Archived
DarkChild, OK Alex, I have many things to say, you bring me up in a form that I don’t even look at, how stupid, on top of that, it’s about something that happened a while back, that has been situated, we both know by now, that if Matt is going to continue to speak to Manny, there’s nothing we can really do about it, he claims himself that his mind is already made up, me, and you both know, he’s going to continue to speak to the idiot therefore, you bringing it up in a topic that is not even about him is ridiculous. Also, you went told to let it go, continued it, and then started claiming that you were an adult, and had some stupid power trip because of your age, no offense, but that’s retarded. You were not acting your age in this form in my opinion. I would appreciate it if you do not bring me up and stuff that I don’t look at, thank you., sent at 5:06 PM. region
-- (alchappers):
I agree with Victor, this community's gone downhill ever since the August incident, which recently resurfaced when Matt Curtis started talking to Manny again and calling me a limy and british fagget, like WTF I've seen it all now.
#177 Fernando
I'd like to point out that the mark of adulthood is not just age, but mental and emotional maturity as well. I've seen young children act with more grace and maturity than some of the grownups in here. Just my 2 sence.
#178 marchoffmann
Agree with you but well, this has been said by charly surely more than 3 times now and idk why people always decide to not move on and write more in here again
#179 fikretagayev
I wonder if listening to Guadaloope too much will make people looping back the dramas? lol but seriously, opening a topic and asking: "omg, why are there so much drama"'s self makes more drama :)
#180 rudolf
this topic was so long silent now, why reviwing it now.