
New forum structure

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#21 ArcticMoon

I mentioned only Techboy as he says he's under 13 himself, the information is publicly available.

2023-08-03 19:34

#22 rudolf

I didn't want to question that, I know that. I just wanted to say that I won't and don't want to name other people because I don't know if they would agree with that. this should not be directed at anyone in particular.

2023-08-03 19:37

#23 neptune

I don't mind but yeah. I find this rule pointless. I know tuns of people under 13.

"Man is condemned to be free"
Edited 2023-08-03 19:40

#24 rudolf

yeah same.

2023-08-03 19:42

#25 neptune

I mean I get it if the kid is spammy like aslfjasf in every post or jajajaj in every post. Yeah you get it, but still. At least the calm ones, who cause no problems. And for the spammy ones, just give them a warning or delete their posts. But ehh I still think it is dumb to have such a rule.

"Man is condemned to be free"
Edited 2023-08-03 19:47

#26 rudolf

and the thing abbout techboy, it would be wery stupid to ban a sponsor who is already on elten since 2 years don't you think @muno?

Edited 2023-08-03 19:49

#27 rudolf

sorry, I just noticed that it's muno and not munu.

2023-08-03 19:50

#28 nuno69

The reason why this has been done is for the boy's safety.

- "Intelligence and wisdom is like jam. The less you have, the harder you're trying to spread it arround." - French proverb
2023-08-03 19:50

#29 rudolf

uh, what?

2023-08-03 19:51

#30 rudolf

and even don't talk with the other moderation team is really, really unproffessional when the topic is banning guys they are younger as 13.

2023-08-03 19:54

#31 rudolf

oh, but when you realy want ban like 50 or more users from this comunithy, have fun! I am sure everyone will love your administration more. that is a good chance to restore your reputation!

2023-08-03 19:56

#32 neptune

Also it's nuno,

"Man is condemned to be free"
2023-08-03 19:56

#33 rudolf

oh? okay? thx.

2023-08-03 19:57

#34 marchoffmann Archived

and comunity :D But yeah agree with yall there. Those people haven't just been sticking around for some days. You're late man. Not trying to come off rood but honestly it's making no sense what so ever.

2023-08-03 20:41

#35 rudolf

oh, I thought always comunithy and not comunity. and wtf why is my keyboard now on english wtf.

2023-08-03 20:59

#36 rudolf

meh in my openion we really need a feew new moderators and please not only one aktive moderator and one admin who is only closing topics when 3 guys are saying it's a clone and banning people they doing nothing. sorry if this is a little bit to harsh but I really don't like the administration of the elten english comunity. the moderation from artic is aktually don't even bad, but I have a problem that munu closes all topics in wich 2 or 3 guys are saying that is a clone and topics in guys even don't ask abbout cracks, or banning guys they are doing nothing. dude, I just don't get it, really. I mean, sure, clones are bad, but please maybe search for a official aprove that this game is a clone or not bevore you are closing the topic. I know 2 or more topics wich are closed without any reason.

2023-08-03 21:03

#37 rudolf

well when we already talking abbout a new forum structure, I think we should mix the elten development group with this group.
I also think a archive isn't that bad aktually. since the new update from elten (elten is live, it isn't thaat hard.
I think aktually that is not a bad idea, because 72% sayd yes in this poll (even when it's old) Suggestion: The Elten community forum should be merged with the Elten development group, Author: Enes, Votes: 25, : The Elten community forum or at least the threads regarding technical affairs, should be removed and replaced with the Elten development group.
This will enable users to keep track of the important contents and events in a more efficient and convenient manner. It will also prevent confusions on what to post where, and eliminate the need to post the same content on two separate forums.

2023-08-06 21:45

#38 marchoffmann Archived

Right. Though lol that must be so old! And this archive thing I don't think we need that stuff in those big comunities. Just cuz you me and a few other people have this kind of structure doesn't mean this one should have one. Even the german comunity doesn't want one, or at least moderation. And it's fine to me. But yeah mixing both groups up and making all mixed may be smart.

2023-08-06 21:59

#39 ArcticMoon

The polish equivalents aren't mixed either.

2023-08-07 14:12

#40 marchoffmann Archived

And? The german ones are.

2023-08-07 16:24