Golden crayon
Back to Spiele#121 marchoffmann Archived
Ihr koennt auch alle anderen gc admins anschreiben, z. B. Matthew oder braillescreen.
#122 Jonathan Archived
Ja, jetzt geht es auch, egal was man eingibt. Aber naja... Was soll ich sagen, das erinnert mich schon was die Sounds und so angeht sehr daran, auch wenn es das nicht ist. idk, hab keine Mutivation das zu spielen.
#123 marchoffmann Archived
Ging das wirklich? Ging bei mir nicht einfach so. Aber ja besonders die maps und vehicles sind echt was anderes, oder das system wie Schilder funktionieren. Kenne das ja schon, april 2022 lief das auch als beta, dann 3 Tage public oder so und dann wars weg.
#124 Jonathan Archived
Hmm, interessant.
#125 marchoffmann Archived
Server Message: This wasn't going to be revealed before, but since it is now spread wide, it is time to make it official. In a way this was my fault, for 1, going on a TeamTalk server sort of got the whole leak started in the first place, when I routed my speech to demonstrate something I was doing. Unigram activated, however, which caused the other users to immediately digest something was happening. Yes, there is a Golden Crayon Python in the works. The BGT version will be around, up until further notice, to prevent chaos from ensuing. However, as an alternative option, you can play Warfront. Password to the archive is warfront, all lowercase and no spaces.
Hello, this is Tunmi here, with yet another contest! It is called "Test of Uniqueness," a contest where you can showcase your creativity and skill in map-making. Do you have what it takes to surpass existing maps and bring something new to the table? If so, this is the contest for you.
However, to ensure fairness and quality, we have a few rules in place. Firstly, all maps must be original and created after the date of this server message. We will not accept pre-existing maps for this contest.
Secondly, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards spam, intrusive content, or any form of trolling. Maps that contain flying doors or randomly placed vanishing platforms will not be considered for this contest.
Lastly, we encourage you to come up with a fresh and innovative idea that sets your map apart from others. If someone has already created a house, try to create something different that showcases your unique style and creativity.
The winner will receive a chance to participate in a later project of mine, along with 500000 coins and 25 dollars via PayPal, Cash App, Venmo for Zell, depending on the winner's payment method. The contest will run until April 9th, and voting will take place from April 10th to April 17th. We hope you have fun and enjoy this opportunity to display your skills. So get building and show us what you're made of! P.S. Please specify that your map is a contest map by including a name such as contest, or putting a sign, text square, or dialog on the map, specifying that it was made specifically for the contest.
#126 Jonathan Archived
Ja wansinn, dann bis in 2 Jahren wenn das ding fertig ist. Weiß ich echht nicht was ich davon halten soll.
#127 marchoffmann Archived
Lol! Genau das waren meine Gedanken. Ok, so gar 5 Jahre zur übertreibung aber,
#128 Jonathan Archived
#129 marchoffmann Archived
Was kann denn bgt bitte, was python nicht kann?
#130 Jonathan Archived
#131 Anis
#132 marchoffmann Archived
Naja wenn du dich informieren würdest, über stw zum Beispiel solltest du wissen das das ganze game mitten in der neuen Version ist, und die ist nicht mehr in bgt. Ist zwar nur beta aber die Arbeiten da aktiv dran und das schon lange.
#133 Anis
#134 Jonathan Archived
#135 Anis
#136 Jonathan Archived
#137 Jonathan Archived
#138 Jonathan Archived
Und da hab ich ausversehen die Leertaste Gedrückt. Naja, egal.
#139 Anis
#140 marchoffmann Archived
looooool die stw beta ist doch nicht in python. Die ist in, heißt nvgt oder so, sams eigene bgt version die ihm neue möglichkeiten eröffnet. Reicht ja schon wenn ihr mal auf dem stw discord gucken würdet. Und ich, bin in der Beta. Kann also genau sagen das sich da was tut.