#41 djsenter
Not dogs, haha.
It is a stereotype.
My Chinese friend told me that if any, only a small portion of Chinese eat dogs, and Vietnamese, I really doubt it.
They are civilised people
#42 fatih
I saw a campaign in change.org about stopping the dog eating festival in Vietnam 3 or 4 years ago
#43 djsenter
Well, I will say this.
I am surprised, but either way I still think those american and british people have no right to tell them what to eat or not eat
#44 fatih
I think the same as well, but I am just saying what I saw. Nobody can interfeer with the lives of the others
#45 djsenter
I am very surprised though, I will ask more about this, maybe it is a provincial thing?
#46 fatih
I don't know, really
#47 djsenter
Do you guys have any provincial food in Turkey?
#48 fatih
I couldn't get what you mean by provinsial food
#49 djsenter
food of different areas of turkey, not commonly eaten in the capital city, etc
#50 fatih
Since I live in a big city, I don't know, but thre is liver and different kid of meatballs for some cities, and yeah, ther is te Adana and Urfa kebabs but they are found is İstanbul as well.
#51 Enes
Thing is, we have a central government, and our country is not divided into provinces. Each region has its unique flavor and meals, though.
#52 djsenter
yeah that's what i mean
#53 Enes
So you're totally right.
--Cytat (djsenter):
yeah that's what i mean
--Koniec cytatu
#54 bomberman29
we went to turkey's cyti kayseri but we forget to eat pastirma.
#55 Enes
So you have a nice reason to visit Kayseri again, also to eat mantı.
--Cytat (bomberman29):
we went to turkey's cyti kayseri but we forget to eat pastirma.
--Koniec cytatu
#56 fatih
I don't know any person in Turkey who wold say no to a mantı :)
#57 bomberman29
yes, i will visit kayseri when i will have operation on my eyes.
#58 fatih
Oh, I hope the operation will be successful.
#59 musical_marilyn
I love food! I'm a biiiig oooodie! Food is awesome, and yumn! I love mexicn food, carne asada (wich translates to grilled steak), eggs and sausage, bacon because bacon, and anything spicy. I also love coookies. Am I weird? a bit maybe. But I just love oreos. love em. For an healthy alternative, or something snacky, I like trailmix. Almods, peanuts... pecans. mmm I could post all day about food but... I'll stop now. haha
#60 djsenter
A few days ago, I have ordered some American snacks, and i must say that warheads sour booms were my favourite so far.
Tongue hurts like mad, but soooo worth it!