Public log of administrative action
Back to Threads Archive#1 nuno69
What follows is the log of all actions took by the administration of the Elten English Community against the users.
#2 nuno69
"Klango Source" topic:
Karmien is being warned for excessive posting offtopic against the previous caution he got as well as personal attacks against @ArcticMoon.
Railwayguy is politely asked to stop such comments as this might provoke other members.
#3 nuno69
"Screenreaders" topic:
Enes got himself a warning for excessive provoking and putting private matters on the public scene with @ArcticMoon. This is not a playground and so such comments will not be tolerated.
#4 ArcticMoon
Blind drive topic: Blackspell and Darkdestroyer2 both got themselves a warning due to directly distributing cracked software and cloned, unofficial games.
#5 nuno69
"Rules about what I cn post in here." topic
ShotgunSpoon got a warning for cloning and stealing sounds from another game.
#6 ArcticMoon
The Vale, Shadow of the crown topic: Ferre gets an official warning for distributing cracked versions of the game.
#7 ArcticMoon
Searching for newer 3d games topic: Urh2006 got a warning. Ferre and Darkdestroyer2 got a caution.
#8 nuno69
"Future life" topic
The link to the game has been removed as its very likely that the game in question is a clone. However until I investigate the matter furse, I don't take any further action.
#9 ArcticMoon
Future life thread: Felix got a warning for attacking others personally pretty seriously, and the thread has been closed.
#10 ArcticMoon
FPS topic. Rider got an official warning for distributing TK once again. The topic has been closed.
#11 ArcticMoon
Your description topic: enes gets an official warning for personal attacks.
#12 ArcticMoon
My website with games topic: Blindpro is getting an official warning.
#13 ArcticMoon
Question about TTS topic: Rambo is getting an official warning, as well as an official caution for dozens of personal attacks, and going seriously offtopic.
#14 ArcticMoon
Question about tts topic: Rambo and Gamerkid have received an official warning for serious personal attacks, as well as going offtopic purposefully. The topichas been closed.
#15 ArcticMoon
Your introduction topic: enes is getting an official warning for serious and continous personal attacks.
#16 ArcticMoon
Music thread: Enes is getting an official warning for intentional, heavy personal attacks, which he isn't doing for the first time.
#17 ArcticMoon
Music thread: Enes is getting another warning for personal attacks, and unnecessary causing of drama
#18 nuno69
"My CM Server thread": Link removed, Annes warned for posting a cloned game
#19 ArcticMoon
Blood war topic: Ferre2 gets an official warning for purposefully distributing a clone software which even admints to use code from different games.
#20 ArcticMoon
Music thread: Samir2020 gets an official warning for heavy personal attacks, as well as racism towards one of our turkish members.