
lets play right or not right

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#21 bomberman29

not right. i leave with my mother.

2020-06-28 09:17

#22 bomberman29

the next poster has a braille display. just information, i have a very antient display eleggeste.

2020-06-28 09:18

#23 gangster

not right. The next poster needs Iphone 8 with IOS 14. And Next poster have Iphone 4 with IOS 7

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-06-28 18:17

#24 bomberman29

i need iphone 8 with ios 14, right. but i have iphone 4 with ios 7 not right. 1 0. the next poster has an apple watch.

2020-06-28 18:19

#25 radio729

Not right. The next poster owns a Mac.

2020-06-28 19:20

#26 bomberman29

right. the next poster is typing really fast.

2020-06-28 19:22

#27 gangster

not right. The next poster have forum.

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-06-29 12:22

#28 aldenmaster

Right. The next person has built their computer, instead of buying one from the store.

Off the spinner, to the skinner, it chops off layers, now I'm thinner.
2020-07-04 14:10

#29 gangster

Not Right. The next poster have androit 6.0.1

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-07-04 19:17

#30 bomberman29

i have a very very old tablet with android 4, and an iphone with ios 14. so not write

2020-07-04 19:28

#31 bomberman29

the next poster knows german. (sprechen sie deutsch!)

2020-07-04 19:29

#32 gangster

Not right. The next poster produced beat now

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-07-04 20:35

#33 ArcticMoon

Not right, although I would try one day :D

The next poster loves the music of the band Sabaton.

2020-07-05 20:48

#34 rorygames

I don't know what that music is, so I can't say you're right. Howevver, I am indeed a music producer.

2020-07-16 05:31

#35 Kakeboy

The Next poster likes cake

2020-07-31 19:01

#36 Tissman2

The next one watches twitch

2020-07-31 21:19

#37 bomberman29

not right. the next one knows atleast 1 programming language. write what language, if true!

2020-08-01 09:39

#38 gangster

right, I'm using BGT. The next poster, is drinking coffee

I'm a music producer, also a game developer. Feel free to contact me.
2020-08-01 09:45

#39 thespyde

Nah, can't drink coffee any more, darn it.

The next poster likes rock music.

Charles Wells
2020-08-01 10:39

#40 destructatron

You are definitely right there! The next poster wants redspot 0.91 to come back.

2020-08-01 13:15