
Candidacy of Sir-Charlie as English Community Administrator

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#21 balteam

2 I was thinking about new groups. On polish community we have maybe 35000 posts per year, but of course we divided our community on smaller groups a lot of earlier. I don't know if now it's needed, but when you have a lot of posts about games and for example mobiles, you won't read the whole group when you are only interested in literature.
I think it's a good option at least to consider and it will be nice if you discuss about it later.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
2024-01-24 12:14

#22 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane

What has that to do with sir charlies aplication?

2024-01-24 12:18

#23 balteam

Mhm, I don't understand your question, it's a big change if you want to have here 1 or 5 groups, so if he says "ye, we will create only 1 group," or "ye, we will create 20 groups", it's a different

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
2024-01-24 12:22

#24 Jonathan Konto zarchiwizowane

Just saw your other post with the question, sorry. So I think that yeah, its worth thinking about altough there are so many inactive groups about audio games etc, would that change anything? Because for what would the main Community be then? I mean you said yourself you have 35 posts a year or so, but what would that be even?

2024-01-24 12:25

#25 pajper

I don't see need of splitting this group for a moment.
We have 27,000 posts on Elten English Community, on the contrary, over 73,000 on Polish Elten Community main group, plus 31,000 on Elten Development, 33,000 on Independence of the Blind, 29,000 on Computer Science, 20,000 on Games, 18,000 on Mobile Phones, 14,000 on Culture and Art, as well as 5,000 on both NVDA and Electronics... Not comparable.


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Edytowano 2024-01-24 12:38

#26 ArcticMoon

I'll be really quick but after I read the list of possible moderators in your point of view I have no hope in this community.

-- (Sir-Charlie):
@17 I'll answer you backwards because I think it's more sensible to do so.

4. Yes. I would like the rules first of all to be made more easily available. I think the only rules we have now is the official elten ToS which seems more like a convoluted legal contract rather than rules for real people to be able to understand and follow.
My main priority would be procedural stuff. So protocol surrounding bans, warnings, punishments etc. That's a big issue with a lot of online platforms, I think. They have rules but no proper guideline to enforce said rules.
I hoped to get more community involvement as I said in my initial bid to be admin thread, rather than writing a set of rules on my own.

3. I was thinking no greater than 4. Why 4? Because it makes mathematical calculations easier. A ban won't be able to be instituted unless you get at least 2 mods and myself to agree to it for example. I also think a team of 5 is sufficiently large enough to adequately be able to cover the forum at different points of the day so issues such as pointed out in question 1 (which I'll get to in a moment) won't really be able to happen.
In addition to that, a team of 5 is also in my opinion large enough to have sufficiently differing viewpoints, which leads to overall fairer and more balanced decisions being taken. On the flip side 5 is also managible enough to not result in deadlock. I've been the administrator on different platforms before, and I like working with moderately sized teams like this one. It's better for everyone.
As to who I had in mind or how they'd be chosen? I wasn't intending on calling up people and asking them. My intension was having a forum where interested persons could put their applications and I'd choose the 4 persons who I felt would be the best fit to help me administrate. But if I had to make a short list, at the very tippitty tippy top would be djsenter. I think we can all agree he's shown himself to be level headed, fair and calm in any discussion he engages in.
Next, I think you all saw this coming, Fernando. Again, he's shown himself to be very much level headed, logical and fair in any discussion he partisipates in.
At this point I can't really think of anyone else off the top of my head, perhaps theblack or Marc though I suppose I'm more apprehensive on the latter.

2. I suppose I don't really understand this question? Do you mean make new forums on here? Then not really no. I was thinking a specific forum could be added for programming and another for audio production/music. But other than that not really. I think the present forums we have are fine, however they need clearer naming and better descriptions.

1. Now this is an interesting question. AS I said earlier, I wish to get at least 4 other moderators to help me out, so in an ideal world something like this wouldn't be able to happen. But let's say that it did. My initial analysis would be to look at post 6 and 7 to see if their jabs crossed the line to warrent me taking any administrative action. If yes, they'd be given a warning or whatever punative measure I felt warrented. Nextly depending on how hot the thread got, I'd either close it or make a request to get the thread on topic again. If it devolves after my request, I'd bring the matter to the team to see if they felt that the person who redevolved the thread deserved any action. My suggestion would be a warning at best. Never the less the thread would be closed either way, however.
I am strongly, strongly strongly against deleting posts, and won't do so.
Hopefully that answers your questions.


2024-01-24 16:57

#27 Sir-Charlie

@26 I encourage you to read that again. I said that that wasn't a definitive list, number 1, and number 2, I said perhaps theblack and Marc. I further went on to say I was apprehensive. That isn't to say that I'd definitely pick them or that they'd be at the top of my list. If more qualified people volunteered obviously I'd be grateful to pick them over the afformentioned 2. As for Fernando and Senter, I see absolutely nothing wrong with them as picks.

All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
2024-01-25 00:40

#28 djsenter

@ArcticMoon It's easy to say that we don't have hope for something, that something is doomed, etc. However a step up from that, as well as the right thing to do in this situation imo would be to offer a solution, or an alternative to the problem, don't you think? No, this is not a personal attack.

Senter San
Edytowano 2024-01-25 11:17

#29 pajper

@Sir-Charlie, it would be nice if you could comment on post @20. Thanks!


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2024-01-25 11:29

#30 blindflatearther2

I don't think that there is any problum about his posable mods other then fernandoe isn't on here as of for forms that much.

The road to hell is paved with good intenchens. AKA LGBT. I never said that. MAGA
2024-01-25 13:33

#31 ArcticMoon

In fact with Djsenter I have no problem at all, he would take care of this community very well. On the other hand, Fernando with his duplicate accounts, as well as Marc with constant problems with spelling and behaving adequately in public... Yeah.

2024-01-25 15:01

#32 khalil2009

lol he only had 1 duplicate account and the other one he's not even useing

Edytowano 2024-01-25 18:39

#33 djsenter

I have stepped down before, as we didn't have a strong team with efficient communication, but if we could work on that, I'd be happy to help. To do that, we'd need to create a clear and straight-forward system of rules, which we could follow as mods, to minimise the dramas revolving around deletion of topics and posts. It's never possible to please everyone, but having the whole community against us makes the whole thing a much more difficult and draining process as well :)

Senter San
2024-01-25 19:57

#34 CritterPup

Despite my newness... And apparent lack of community goodwill, which has it's reasons, though I won't get into that here, I'd be happy to help as well. I'm an admin on a rather active and successful game at the moment and I think, I hope, I do a pretty good job there. So I'd be willing to work with an admin to make rules more clear cut and make sure there's a process of punishment if required, a process of de-escalation when required, and things of that nature.
Though I also know that sometimes processes go out the window because there is no way any written word could cover all circumstances. I'd say I'm decent at improvising too.

Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change. Because of the friends I have known, the honorable people I have met, I know I am no solitary hero of unique causes. I know now that when I die, I will live on.
2024-01-25 20:16

#35 blindflatearther2

I don't think the moltiple acounts is a ishue with fernandoe the most he has for a resen not to have him would be the fact he is never on forms so like I wouldn't discredit him for it. As of marc who has spelling mistakes I know I am one to talk consittering I probably have like 80 mistakes in this one message alone. But I don't really think for him it is that bad but I havn't been here for long so IDK.

The road to hell is paved with good intenchens. AKA LGBT. I never said that. MAGA
2024-01-26 06:14

#36 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane

First off, since I was originally not feeling like participating in this drama for a while, I'd like to say that djcenter seems also like a pretty good choice. He is here for quite long too and knows many members of the platform or that's my impression, at least good enough.
Second: You, arctic, have prooven to be a, let's say, not good model of your role. If you have personal issues with me, even though that might be easy, I'd rather think, what did he actually do wrong. Do I know he moderated bad somewhere before? And again, even me and charly can disagree sometimes, so I was surprised to see me in his thoughts, thus I didn't beg/requested to be in consideration of such position in the first place. This is stuff for the future and I incurrage you to calm a little bit and think about this better.

2024-01-26 15:59

#37 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane

Besides that, I don't even quite get what you were argumenting against me exactly by saying something about behavior and spelling. Be more clear on that please. And also it seems like sasiaty has givven up freedom of speech completely, just what a shame.

2024-01-26 16:01

#38 blindTechProductions

This is a reply to both the quoted message below and @blindflatearther2 That's fernandos thing as well. He once stated that if someone like charly stepped up to the plate and did the sort of stuff described in the quoted message he might do it but as of now it doesn't seem like he's running. Tbh I don't blame him or anyone who isn't trying to get the admin position because I personally wouldn't be able to handle that.
-- (djsenter):
I have stepped down before, as we didn't have a strong team with efficient communication, but if we could work on that, I'd be happy to help. To do that, we'd need to create a clear and straight-forward system of rules, which we could follow as mods, to minimise the dramas revolving around deletion of topics and posts. It's never possible to please everyone, but having the whole community against us makes the whole thing a much more difficult and draining process as well :)


Abortion is unjustifiable. It stands on no ground morally. If it is always wrong to kill an innocent, defenseless human being, then abortion is immoral in all circumstances because that's exactly what it does. This framework dismisses all objections minus the one where the mother's life is in serious danger continuing the pregnancy. And even then, it's not moral it's a necessary evil.
2024-01-30 23:58