
#1 GeorgeWu

I have two feature requests for contact suggestions. One, the ability to have an option to accept or ignore a friend request if someone is trying to add you to their friends list. 2, when you remove a friend off your friends list the user will have your contact removed as well.

2024-01-21 20:07

#2 rudolf

dissagree. then it would be called friends list and not contacts list. also do you really want that the elten goes through the whole 3200 users and send tousents of friends request to all people and make it to lag as fuck? also, what's about the people who have, like labron3, over 500 contacts? will the contacts deleted then or will 500 users (who's adding so much random dudes to contacts anyways?) receiwe a friend request?

2024-01-21 20:43

#3 GeorgeWu

I'm not sure why someone like labyrinth free has 500 users on there Contacts list? And contacts list and friends list are basically the same.

2024-01-21 20:46

#4 rudolf

no they're not? I won't call someone which number I have in my contacts on phone directly a friend?

2024-01-21 20:54

#5 marchoffmann

I see where you both are coming from but yes, george, for some features it'd be simply to late. And yeah the issue is though that I don't want some people in my contacts list, like out of the 85 or what users I only know like 50. Would be cool if I could remove some forsefully, especially since a few of them were spam accounts, people like labron, maxi, etc. Plus very inactive users that just, no. I would like to have it more flexible there really. Hard to explain but I can get george's point it's just to little of a concept and to late. Because well yeah there are way to many random dudes who've added me and I don't know them even a single bit or are spam as I said. I'd like to clean that up but obviously I can't since I can't like access those accounts and remove me from their contact list...

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Or something.
Edytowano 2024-01-22 15:42

#6 x0

You can remove them from your own contact list, no ? The area of users who added you to their contacts is separate. Otherwise, blocking might be the only way to forcefully remove you from *their* list. For the way this portal works with the concept of contacts, that is how it's supposed to work.

This mesage has been approved by x0.
Edytowano 2024-01-26 20:16