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Wróć do Threads Archive#821 ArcticMoon
Damn yeah finally agreed again, Karmien. Knowing who Cyrmax is in real life, it's ridiculous when people, not knowing anything about programming at all, aren't sure about his skills anyway :D
#822 ArcticMoon
And anyway, running away from the topic? I'm sorry but not everyone sits here on Elten all day, there's not much to do either ways in a half-dead community so why would he check all messages every hour? An average person has a life. While he isn't on elten, maybe he's working on one of his projects, optimizes it, and after that maybe releases it without any problems.
#823 cyrmax
Yes, Pajper has proved that he is a great programmer by showing some repos and projects.
This is great, really great and i do not say that that means nothing.
But if he is so cool at programming why when I start elten and immediately alttab to another window Elten hangs until i alttab back to it? Why it hangs if i press exit and alttab and exits only when i alttab back?
Why it loads one forum thread for three seconds with my 800 mbps internet?
Why it has so much bugs with non-latin alphabets?
Why it needs even an addon for NVDA for some functions, that looks like a weird crutch rather than an okay solution?
Yes, my project was maintained like for two years or a bit longer, maybe two and a half, i cannot recall the exact dates now.
But at least I was always in search for better solutions, refactoring my code, optimizing it, profiling the performance, hunting for every millisecond.
I could use allready written fb2 and epub parser for iOS, but I have created my own because it would be much much faster.
I was actively talking to every user who wanted to report some bug and i was agressively fighting against those bugs with those users who wanted to help.
Oh and btw the number of projects not always shows the skill.
I know a programmer who has about 15 NVDA addons, three or four bots for Telegram and VK, few desktop programs and about 6 years of experience.
But his addons are laggy, they crash nvda in unusual situations, his source code is like a piece of shit, his bots are down every day because of errors, he always shouts about memory leaks, high load on his servers with those bots and sites and all this because he even does not care about anything. He just produces a tonn of low quality code, he creates new projects every month or so and it looks like a sort of code spammer than a good developer. But yes, unexperienced people consider him a professional and cool programmer with very very nice reputation.
I do not want to tell anything bad about pajper of course, but at least such phenomenae exist and so we should not grade a developer by number of project he has.
-- (Julitka):
Well, and that's pajper doing, doesn't he? He even shouldn't care about your community as a dev, what he does, cause he cares about u, users. He doesn't care for PC, cause he doesn't have to, as he has, well, lets call them people to do it, though I really apreciate their work as volunteers. Cyrmax, your project was maintained for two years. TWO YEARS. Elten is being maintained for around 10. What's a guarantee you will even care for it for more than afew months? And how should we rely on your declarations, if you have done nothing for the project so far? Pajper made several appeals for programmers here to help in any way, even in building public API in the language he didn't desire it to be. There were two tries and each dev withdrew after fucking few months.
And, what's make me laugh the most is your runaway from the topic. Pajper proved he has much bigger experience in programming than you have, so you immediately changed it to another. Come on, be serious, please.
-- (cyrmax):
Developing and managing a huge project is not only about programming skills, Linux or windows knowledge or overal competence in computer stuff.
It is also about people, communication and proper delegation of tasks.
As i allready told in my russian blog, I had a project, it was an ultimate and awesome ebook reading app for iOS designed for blind and visually impaired users.
I have hired a designer and a couple of partly sighted people to develop a high contrast and comfortable UI. I payed them some money for their work.
I spent two years for this project and it even has been released as open beta. I cannot write shocking numbers because only 250 regular users were there according to appstore connect console, but those users loved the application, they used it and were happy.
If they found a bug, they brought me a report and I was trying to fix it as soon as possible.
IDK about english, but in russian we have such a word and i can say that i was burning with this project, i loved it, i spent most part of my free time for it.
But at some point i realized that only one middle grade Swift developer is not enough for this thing.
I wrote a motivating post to all serious programmer communities trying to find more people.
And it failed.
Unfortunately I have lost my job and was in hard search for a new company, and so I couldn't continue this project myself.
Also because of the sanctions against Russia i couldn't continue paying for my apple developer membership and lost any ability to publish apps in the appstore or even testflight.
And now, looking back at this long sad story, i understand that for a big project to stay alive not only programming skills are required but at least a minimal ability to communicate and hire (for money or for an idea) a team of people who could help you.
And with those people you should communicate, inform them about all stuff and delegate tasks between them.
If someone is good at moderation, he should be an admin and communicate with other moderators and admins. If other guy is so good at system administration, let him be a server admin, controlling system stability and responsiveness. If third guy is able to write some code, maybe not as cool and fast as you, then give him some routine tasks which take time but are not so difficult for him.
Start to plan your time, write and control everything with some task tracker or even time tracker.
Use some recommendations and practices to optimize your time and balance your load.
As i said earlier, optimization is the main thing after coding skills.
A person who is always in a hury, who always runs to somewhere and cannot even stop will burn out himself after 5, 10 or 15 years.
If you manage your time and load properly, you should have some time to stop and rest, not only in bed while sleeping.
-- (ArcticMoon):
Pajper has other different projects and that's cool, I'm not denying anything. But to be honest he has much more than he can manage alone. He's always in a rush, ignores even community administrators and moderators, and after that, when sees a community collapsing, he already can't do anything because he manages too many projects all at once that's already not possible and realistic alone.
That's why we are getting a lot of big, clever words, large numbers, so a naive user will be surprised without thinking. But all in all 500 blogs aren't that much, 10000 private messages in text are nothing compared to anything more serious, should I continue? These are just large numbers to let the average user wonder and take back his words. On the other side, a programmer knows this all and laughs.
I had a similar groupmate at university. When I didn't know how to set up windows properly, he kept telling me it's difficult as hell because all the drivers and programs and everything, don't even try because it's difficult as hell. Once I was obligated to set up windows on a laptop so I had to try. I set up a virtual machine, on that system I knew I can't do anything wrong. I went through the setup and I was all set. After that I went up to my roommate, who asked me to set up her computer and I did everything without mistakes, and don't forget it's very very very difficult, if we believe the words of my previous groupmate.
After that I didn't believe anything but if I wanted to try something, I read about it myself and decided if it's easy or difficult for me to try.
#824 ArcticMoon
And what's this style of speech anyway? He shouldn't care about your community as a developer... Hmm. He should. It's his program after all. The english community currently has no admins and he's the only one who can appoint new ones. If he wants income, he should care.
#825 karmien
Not wanting to be overly provocative but considering this user is even in the Council of elders this is really a bit, interesting to say the least.
-- (ArcticMoon):
And what's this style of speech anyway? He shouldn't care about your community as a developer... Hmm. He should. It's his program after all. The english community currently has no admins and he's the only one who can appoint new ones. If he wants income, he should care.
#826 Julitka
I meant he shouldn't bother about your community problems, as it is of your admins to deal with them. :D
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#827 Julitka
And it is a consequence of your activities that you do not have one.
- Klatki – odpowiedziała. – Czekania za kratami, aż zmęczenie i starość każą się z nimi pogodzić, aż wszelka nadzieja wielkich czynów nie tylko przepadnie, lecz straci powab.
#828 marchoffmann Konto zarchiwizowane
Ehh, wouldn't say exactly that. It has been a mess here but I'd better have no admin than having a bad one
#829 Kaito
It seems rather quiet without an admin.
#830 rudolf
yes it aktually does for me. I'm at least wondering if we make the vote again. and if yes, who will be canidates? seems like pajper disqualificed all old canidates and I don't think that annyone else want to be admin of that. well at least this person would already introuduce theyselv but nothing like that happened so.
-- (Kaito):
It seems rather quiet without an admin.
#831 Kaito
I think there can be good admins, but they didn't apply yet, there isn't even any conversation about a new application, vote or whatever the next step will be.
#832 rudolf
well that's truhe. maybe this comunithy will also be deleted or has no admin, like pajper said bevore. but I personally not hope that since a lot of people are in here and that's a place where a lot of people are talking and talked to each others about problems, games, and such stuff.
#833 Kaito
Exactly, it would be rather sad to see the whole community fall apart or get deleted completely, especially when looking at threads like those in computers and technology, others or voice forum.
#834 blindflatearther2
or we make a new comunity and manige it our selfs but most likely it would crash and burn
#835 ArcticMoon
But we don't have admins. That's the problem.
-- (Julitka):
I meant he shouldn't bother about your community problems, as it is of your admins to deal with them. :D
#836 ArcticMoon
Sorry, no, it isn't. It's the consequences of Pajper removing all the people from their positions. Until then at least I tried to do something. And no, I don't want it back. I'm just saying noone has demoted themselves, noone has agreed, Pajper himself acted alone, as he wanted, out of the blue. Personally I don't have any problems with Dawid, moreover, when I think about my days in Poland last year, it's always nice to remember that we met. As a person he's nice and it's a pleasure to talk to him, but when it comes to professional things, he manages too much at the same time, thus forgets a lot of stuff. If he wanted to create a program exactly for the polish community, why did he even translate it to english? Let's delete all the translations and focus on the polish community then, if it's too much. But on the other hand, money is good so it's always handy to keep half-dead communities as well, in hopes that it brings some money in.
-- (Julitka):
And it is a consequence of your activities that you do not have one.
#837 karmien
I have nowhere red that pajper disqualified everyone so i am sure to apply again when a new vote will take place.
#838 ArcticMoon
No, I mean he disqualified yet before the votes.
-- (karmien):
I have nowhere red that pajper disqualified everyone so i am sure to apply again when a new vote will take place.
#839 theblack
Wow, for a millisecond it crossed my mind to apply, but no, may the hellfire of html, php and JavaScript save me from committing that suicidal act. What would happen to my life? Nobody knows, but for now I'm safe. after seeing everything that happened here better nope :D
#840 Sir-Charlie
Ironically, I just put forward my application. It's in the integration topic.