
Let's shape future of this group

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#581 marchoffmann

But idk. Just looking at the polish comunity with nvda translate, and just few things it always seemed fascinating to me. A lot of people, many normal discussions, and just a massive size. Idk it's cool but sad we won't ever have a comunity like that one in the slightest. We need more people, best if not trolls or people everyone knows their into drama, just new ones. Any friends, or whatever. And maybe more forums, but more archiving too, a design from scratch. And the most important a neutral moderator or rather administrator. Neither is Karmien nor me. While I have plans for this comunity and I believe I would do well, even though respect is important I probably wasn't as neutral, though question is here how neutral an admin should be. So many questions that came up over the last 4 5 months and we just ended up with massive amounts of discussions leading to nowhere.

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Yeah. Something like that.
2023-11-16 07:21

#582 djsenter

Closing this community would be a huge blow to the amount of foreign users on Elten, which has been growing significantly and I have been seeing new faces popping up all the time recently, clearly showing that the growth is healthy and methodical. We have to consider the fact that most sane and mentally capable users probably look at this community and leave the place ASAP, but I really don't think that closing the community down would help. Maybe we need to pick a target audience to promote Elten to, because now we've mainly got frustrated teenagers on here :D

Senter San
2023-11-16 07:33

#583 karmien

Now shaming the entire community won't help anyone either.

Put all your trust into the dragonlord. He knows the only way to the altschauerberg8
2023-11-16 08:14

#584 Sir-Charlie

I don't think the forum is as toxic as you make it out to be. A cursory glance would suggest otherwise. There's only been one or two topics that cascaded into a toxic shithole and that was because of the previous collapse of the staff team. Alot of interesting and valuable discussion happens on here. It would really be a shame if that were to be lost. Let's be real. If the community were to be split up it would only end up being more toxic than this one. Insularity and fragmentation tends to do that.
@572 I think that was just a cheap attempt to discredit you. I mean, nobody ever heard of Yuky until he applied and his platform was basically "hi guys i have no life so i can moderate 24/7 okie bye"

All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
2023-11-16 08:42

#585 pajper

Obviously we realy can archive all current threads and try starting from scratch. Maybe it's not as bad idea as it seems...


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2023-11-16 09:42

#586 Jonathan

I like this idea too.

2023-11-16 10:22

#587 balteam

1 Pajper, as an admin, you can create for example 5 or 7 questions for candidates, they can also create their threads.
2 I don't know who could be an admin, all candidates from last election won't be a good choice, because of last few days.
People from Poland, especially at the beginning, they knew more to each other , when we voted, we could guess what they will do in the future, here we have users from a lot of countries, someone can quite easily just write something smart and later he will try to destroy everything.
So, to sum up, starting from a new forum or not, it's not a big difference, we have a problem how to find a good admin.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
Edytowano 2023-11-16 11:22

#588 karmien

Um, what exactly you're trying to say here?

-- (balteam):
People from Poland, especially at the beginning, they knew more to each other , when we voted, we could guess what they will do in the future, here we have users from a lot of countries, someone can quite easily just write something smart and later he will try to destroy everything.

Put all your trust into the dragonlord. He knows the only way to the altschauerberg8
2023-11-16 11:28

#589 balteam

I wanted to say, that it's easier to vote on someone when you know him not only from a few posts, but from teamtalk, or from real life.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
2023-11-16 11:31

#590 balteam

And btw, 119 people read at least 1 post in this thread, 57 users, minimum 90% of this topic, but here is only 35 unique autors. It means, a lot of people don't want to write and fight, I guess.
And It also means that this community has a big potential, In a year or 2, maybe it could be as big as polish community.
We can't close this community for sure.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
Edytowano 2023-11-16 11:37

#591 djsenter

Sorry to burst your bubble Karmien, but statistically most of the active users on the English community are under 18 and it shows from the way they're addressing each other, arguing over the smallest detail and making a drama out of everything, that what I said is a fact, not an act of superiority. I know that I'm perhaps being harsh according to some of you, because the Polish community has quite high standards and not even a half of what happens here happens on the Polish forums, but I've been observing this community for years and what I'm saying isn't purely subjective.
I know that one of the next posts after this one will be you Karmien, attacking me and acting like a celebrity trying to save the world, but I'm not even a mod on here, so save your energy on something more productive, like proposing what could realistically be done to help this community, not including banning Arctic moon and you being an admin, because at the end of the day, we all want this place to be more friendly and useful to us. Also before you get offended over my remarks, I'm just using your rhetoric against you, don't mind me :) I have to let you taste your own medicine a little bit, otherwise the mission of saving the world will get to your head :)
Coming back to the topic, the idea of creating topics for the admins to write out detailed candidacies with concrete plans for the future development of this community is a great idea, with the users being able to ask questions and having some time to think, so there is more ground for sensible discussion and less disappointment of the other side.

Senter San
2023-11-16 14:02

#592 ArcticMoon

Yeah it's enough time, except the fact that having more accounts isn't accepted by the rules. :D
-- (khalil2009):
but your towerkiller arent you not? your account was made in back in urly 2022 so I feel like that should be a nuff ttime


2023-11-16 14:50

#593 ArcticMoon

No, it can't compete.

-- (karmien):
That would be a really bad idea and the whole thing would get completely out of sorting for new people. Right now this community can compete against audiogames.net when it comes to size, if we close it that won't be happening anymore.


2023-11-16 14:52

#594 ArcticMoon

You don't lose the platform if you agree not to post any longer. There's private browsing without an account.
-- (karmien):
Because in the last years, agnet has basically become the monopol for blind forum. And this is bad, since it should not be that if you get banned in one place you loose all your platform basically. If we have another, equal community this could change. So if we split this up into little groups with like maybe 20 people per group that would end up a complete mess.


2023-11-16 14:53

#595 karmien

This is like, not at all how i talk but ok if you think so...
-- (djsenter):
Sorry to burst your bubble Karmien, but statistically most of the active users on the English community are under 18 and it shows from the way they're addressing each other, arguing over the smallest detail and making a drama out of everything, that what I said is a fact, not an act of superiority. I know that I'm perhaps being harsh according to some of you, because the Polish community has quite high standards and not even a half of what happens here happens on the Polish forums, but I've been observing this community for years and what I'm saying isn't purely subjective.
I know that one of the next posts after this one will be you Karmien, attacking me and acting like a celebrity trying to save the world, but I'm not even a mod on here, so save your energy on something more productive, like proposing what could realistically be done to help this community, not including banning Arctic moon and you being an admin, because at the end of the day, we all want this place to be more friendly and useful to us. Also before you get offended over my remarks, I'm just using your rhetoric against you, don't mind me :) I have to let you taste your own medicine a little bit, otherwise the mission of saving the world will get to your head :)
Coming back to the topic, the idea of creating topics for the admins to write out detailed candidacies with concrete plans for the future development of this community is a great idea, with the users being able to ask questions and having some time to think, so there is more ground for sensible discussion and less disappointment of the other side.


Put all your trust into the dragonlord. He knows the only way to the altschauerberg8
2023-11-16 15:00

#596 musicman5464

I'd be in favor of archiving all threads and just starting from scratch. I've seen quite enough mud slinging (my own included) to want to take any other course of action than that.

Regards, Joseph
2023-11-16 15:15

#597 karmien

Reminds me of that time on klango where the main administrator of the german community left and the other moderator was to lazy to sort and just deleted everything. As expected, completely emptying a community is not a good idea, also not with archiving since a lot of old threads are still active till today.

Put all your trust into the dragonlord. He knows the only way to the altschauerberg8
2023-11-16 16:03

#598 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane

You do have a point there, says someone who doesn't agree with you on everything.

2023-11-16 16:23

#599 fatih

I'm sad that Arctic decided to not become admin, but she has much more important issues than moderating a community which has gotten out of control I suppose.
When it comes to archiving or deleting everything, I have threds that I follow which didn't at all get out of control like this thred did. This thred however could be closed or deleted, i don't care about that at all.

2023-11-16 16:27

#600 marchoffmann

But than all evidence of everyone's behavior is gone too. So I'd supposedly wait a little there.

This is McOi, and I approve this written text. Yeah. Something like that.
Edytowano 2023-11-16 16:54