
Let's shape future of this group

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#1 pajper

Dear users,
The difficulties of the Elten English community have been discussed many times on this forum recently. From what I can see, the main problem is the lack of active moderation.
I'd like to discuss it with you though. Tell me what you think, what you would like to change, what your vision is. Let's shape the future of this group together.

And I will say right away and without beating around the bush, I don't have time for dramas, offtopics and similar childishness. I will just delete such posts from this thread.


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2023-08-11 23:53

#2 GamerKid

anything would be great really, but we definately need more admins and mods.

i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:01

#3 TheGalacticEmpire

Moderation has a few issues. Namely how punishments are not uniform. Some people receive punishments, others do not, even if these people have done worse things than the people being punished.

2023-08-12 00:04

#4 khalil2009

no we dont nead mor, we nead better one's

2023-08-12 00:04

#5 GamerKid

it seems that khalil is right. arctic moon and nuno69 are barely online and functional modiration staff. personally, i would absolutely love to conversate on my opinions on the elten english comunity, but padgper will probably ban me and refuse me reentry.

i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
Edytowano 2023-08-12 00:06

#6 pajper

I haven't noticed any issues with ArcticMoon's moderation. I'm looking at it from the outside, and I may have missed something, but I didn't notice anything wrong.
As for nuno69, I notice his frequent absence.


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2023-08-12 00:09

#7 GamerKid

you see, if somebody on the team actually looked through every single post and didn't just asume things, we would have kept a lot of good elten members.

i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:11

#8 GamerKid

because we lost a good number of people to arctic moon just administering punishment without private messaging the people involved for there individual story's and doing an analysis of the situation that a way.

i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
Edytowano 2023-08-12 00:12

#9 AjanH

I believe that these warnings people are given either do not follow through or a number of other things. There should be an entire team to talk about actions rather than only one person issuing warnings and bans, it becomes very confusing not only to users but I'm sure for admins too.

2023-08-12 00:14

#10 pajper

Look, the Polish Community is much more active, sure, but that's not what I want to talk about.
The Polish community is divided into many thematic groups: computer science, games, phones, culture and art, and so on. And each of these groups has its moderators.
That's 18 people in total.

There is a lot less activity here, but I still think at least a few active moderators are needed.


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2023-08-12 00:15

#11 GamerKid

i absolutely agree with you ajan. the problem is the logging system in place is inactive and the last thing posted was gianniRS26
-- (AjanhI believe that these warnings people are given either do not follow through or a number of other things. There should be an entire team to talk about actions rather than only one person issuing warnings and bans, it becomes very confusing not only to users but I'm sure for admins too.


i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:15

#12 ArcticMoon

Pajper, thank you for taking a look at the english community. It definitely helps us, and I'm in high hopes we are going to be guided in the right direction.
As for moderation and being online. You all need to understand the fact that we are people as well. Neither Nuno, nor I can be online 24/7, to look for drama, give warnings or bans, especially if moderators don't have the required rights to do so. On the other hand, I honestly think I've been online as much as I could. Maybe a lot of you don't know, but I'm having serious issues in my personal life recently. I lost my mother yet in may, and I'm sorry but moderation wasn't between my first thoughts after all the horrible events going on in my family. If it's not enough, I'm having two younger sisters whom I must help, because they don't really know how to do all the official stuff for school yet. So all in all, the whole situation, which has been happening here, wasn't in my hands from the beginning; if you have ever looked for an answer, as of why this is happening, now you got it.
I honestly believe we can do better as a team, and I strongly think the elten english community can change, if everyone wants so. But for this to happen, we all need to grow up.

2023-08-12 00:15

#13 GamerKid

to be fair, i never assumed you wern't a regular person. but when you are divoted to something you have to stick to it. now, i'm very sorry for the los of your mother, and i'm very sorry that your personal life is absolutely shitty, but there are things you can still do to shape this community arctic moon.
-- (ArcticMoon):
Pajper, thank you for taking a look at the english community. It definitely helps us, and I'm in high hopes we are going to be guided in the right direction.
As for moderation and being online. You all need to understand the fact that we are people as well. Neither Nuno, nor I can be online 24/7, to look for drama, give warnings or bans, especially if moderators don't have the required rights to do so. On the other hand, I honestly think I've been online as much as I could. Maybe a lot of you don't know, but I'm having serious issues in my personal life recently. I lost my mother yet in may, and I'm sorry but moderation wasn't between my first thoughts after all the horrible events going on in my family. If it's not enough, I'm having two younger sisters whom I must help, because they don't really know how to do all the official stuff for school yet. So all in all, the whole situation, which has been happening here, wasn't in my hands from the beginning; if you have ever looked for an answer, as of why this is happening, now you got it.
I honestly believe we can do better as a team, and I strongly think the elten english community can change, if everyone wants so. But for this to happen, we all need to grow up.


i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:17

#14 pajper

I understand and that's what I'm talking about. You just need a team of moderators, not one and a half people.


Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
2023-08-12 00:17

#15 GamerKid

yes. i agree
-- (pajper):
I understand and that's what I'm talking about. You just need a team of moderators, not one and a half people.


i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:17

#16 AjanH

safety measures should be in place for things like that happening where an admin can't proform the duty they are asigned too, no?

2023-08-12 00:18

#17 GamerKid

yeah, they should. but somebody needs to be trusted with those measures, and the only person would either be padgper or nuno
-- (AjanH):
safety measures should be in place for things like that happening where an admin can't proform the duty they are asigned too, no?


i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:19

#18 AjanH

who both also sometimes struggle because they are human

2023-08-12 00:20

#19 GamerKid

true statements, but they can at least amount a certain time to come and check. and we could in turn gather at least 10 more administrators.
-- (AjanH):
who both also sometimes struggle because they are human


i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:20

#20 GamerKid

now i do wish that we could change our usernames, @padgper. i know you have the ability to give us these rights, because it's not a serious issue to let people change there username. it's not like i'm asking for the ability to administer the ban hammer or pretend to be this big bad admingod.

i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
2023-08-12 00:21