Anyone successfully got elten running under wine?
Wróć do Questions and Answers.#1 destructatron
So, as part of using Linux I'd like to cut down on the amount of times I have to go messing with windows VM's for things. I can get the speech SDK installed and the voices I want in a 64 bit wine prefix and install elten, but when I run it the program just sits there and does nothing. I have the visual C redistributables from 2015 to 2022 installed in the prefix as well. Any other dependencies I could be missing?
#2 zywek
switch to the desktop then move to the Elten's window again, it should speak. Remember, you should press shift+f1 few times, to switch to sapi5, and probably you cannot do it when elten is launched for the first time. Accept licenses, close elten, and rerun it.
I prefer to use 32 bit wineprefix at all, unfortunatly without possibility to play audio posts, but on 32bit elten will not crash, when you'll try to visit some mixed threads.
#3 destructatron
I couldn't even get the setup to run on 32 bit. I downloaded it from, tried to run it using a 32 bit prefix and the window was up for a second then it exited. Is there a 32 bit setup separate from the main installer?
#4 zywek
Hmm, i don't have any problems with running setup downloaded from on 32 bit prefix. I discovered more problems on 64 bit prefixes, so i decided to switch to 32 bit.FIrst install all required dependencies, such as vcredist, wininet, urlmon and so on, then try again.
#5 destructatron
Are these things I can install with winetricks? Would make things a lot easier.
#6 zywek
Yep, you can. Vcrun 2010 to 2015 should be enough.
#7 zywek
and wininet and urlmon.
#8 zywek
And sapi or speechdsk5.1, each of these should work.
#9 destructatron
So assuming I have a wineprefix variable exported, winetricks wininet vcrun2010 urlmon would install everything I need?
#10 destructatron
I've already install speechsdk.
#11 zywek
vcrun 2010 to 2015, urlmon, wininet, speechsdk dbghelp and setup should work. If not, run the setup from a console and give me output.
#12 destructatron
OK, so elten is running, but it won't give me the licenses. I can use shift f1 to switch to sapi, but after that it just sits there, no tick sound, nothing. Closing and reopening does nothing either.
#13 zywek
And when you pressing shift+f1 sapi speaks something?
#14 destructatron
Yes, it says using a selected sapi synthesizer.
#15 zywek
So try to accept license before pressing shift+f1.
#16 destructatron
I launch it, alt tab away to another window and back, and it just hangs there. I have been waiting for a solid 30 seconds.
#17 zywek
After 4 seconds when elten's window appear press super+d or another shortcud you've defined to minimize all windows and show desktop, then get back and you should be able to press tab to accept licenses.
#18 destructatron
OK, so I pressed ctrl alt D which visually I could see got rid of all windows, did this after about 4 seconds of elten opening, then I alt tabbed back to it and it still wouldn't work, again waited about 30 seconds.
#19 destructatron
If it helps, I'm using gnome on xorg as my display session.
#20 zywek
If you have windows copy the content of the elten's directory from %appdata% to your elten's directory if it exists in drive_c\users\yourusername\ApplicationData\elten, as i remember correct path.