
#1 JHRadio

So I see there is a text chat box in the confrences.
I don't have a mic so could I still be in one of these things if I wanted too?
I assume most people use their mics in confrences?

2022-07-03 04:10

#2 GeorgeWu

The chat message edit box on conferences allows you to send a chat message to everyone who's in a conference channel.
If you don't have a microphone, you can use the chat message, to write to everyone who is in the conference channel, just saying.

Edytowano 2022-07-03 04:18

#3 JHRadio

Wow. we only have two english confrences ?

2022-07-06 02:31

#4 JHRadio

How come at times I see more than one channel with people in it, but other times I only see just the one Eltan English Comunity?
Its weird how channels come and go like that. From what I can tell the ones that come and go are owned by others other than Eltan.

2022-07-09 03:09

#5 thespyde

Permanent channels are a premium feature, so most aren't permanent.

Charles Wells
2022-07-09 11:25

#6 balteam

and if noone is on the permament channel you will not see it, when you are in coferencs, press contex mentu and you will see all channells there.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
2022-07-09 11:37

#7 JHRadio

Thanks! I think I understand.

2022-07-09 17:52