
#21 felix

constant battle created with ultra power source.
So, I didn't create future life with any leaked source,
I created my game with my codes.
you'r saying my game is clone, bc is not.
People who see it also make clone games.
I mean they create a game from their code, you can find 1000s of games like GTA5, and other war games.
oo community does not use words like clone. But our stupid blind society, they cry clone clone, clone clone.
My brother is a little older. Really.
If you look at it, it's a clone from the hand. Playroom, audio games form, why this place when there are such platforms? then clone here.
Really, I want to be nice to people. But this blind community is stupid.

2022-03-15 10:59

#22 ArcticMoon

Felix, consider this as an official warning. We've tolerated your clones for pretty a long time now, and yet you did nothing but harm and all you did was attacking others personally.
This topic is being closed.

2022-03-15 15:42