what's your favorite candy?
Wróć do Community discussions#21 neptune
Facts though.
#22 neptune
Only thing I don't like is that it leaves a weird feeling on your tung.
#23 silentsentinel
Ok... So. Long list. Perhaps? Snickers were for a long time, until someone decided purchasing me a gigantic box of them was a good idea. I can no longer eat snickers. Thanks asshole, LOL. In all seriousness I don't understand the point in doing that.
Hmm. Twix, sometimes. Apart from bars, mentos? Sometimes? i love gummies but I'm rather particular with texture, I love those super firm worms or the bears with sour sugar on them. Sour worms in icecreme is also delicious although gets old quick
#24 techboy
mmm yes
#25 satsuna422
i love chocolate and other types of candys mmmmmmmmmmmmm depends on my mood lol
#26 Mckensie
M and Ms and other chocolate stuff!
#27 yuki
tick tack propebly
#28 techboy
#29 yuki
fr, i asked all of my friends and they haven't ever heard of it, like how, this must be truely common
#30 techboy
Ok late, but what is a toblarone?
-- (supremekiller):
Ok, this is not one I have often, but when I do, it's the best, the one, the only, Toblarone!
Galaxy comes in second for me.
#31 djsenter
Hmm, as I remember it is a kind of triangular chocolate, considered to be quite luxurious and expensive, could be wrong though. It is very rich chocolate flavour, what else to say, but then it has some notes of honey and people say other things, which I won't confirm or deny :D Nice chocolate though, definitely worth a try.
#32 Monkey999
yeah that stuf is good, they sell it in our super markets.
#33 GeorgeWu
I like chocolate bars, I like coffee crisp, Mars bars, and Kit Kat.
#34 Lucy
I like chocolate bars, chocolate wrapped fruit and nuts and other stuff like that. Although chocolate would be a classical favourite of mine in anything, I also love eating some other types of sweets that do not contain it.
#35 Ryder
I like good food that is candy mostly any candy unless there is cokanutin it
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#36 axelsUniverse
did we all forget that poprocks existed? I mean come on!
#37 techboy
oh my goodness they are so good
#38 aldenmaster
Peanut butter M&Ms are the best ones. Fight me!