What would you call Elten Users
Wróć do Questions and Answers.#1 pajper
I know the title may appear to be a bit confusing, but I was not sure how to determine what I mean. :)
The question I have relates to word variety and word formation.
In polish we've called Elten Users "Eltenowicze", for us as native speakers it's pretty obvious and self-imposing form.
We got used to it so much that you can even read this phrase in official messages I send to you from time to time.
I remember that Klango users were called "Klangons" in english, however I cannot find any substitute for Elten.
So, it's my question to you, rather a small curiosity from my side...
What would you call yourselves as Elten Users? What word would you create to determine you? :)
Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
#2 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
Hmm, eltener? :D
I also thought of a term in German, Eltling, a bit more creative in my opinion since the EN is omitted. But, I'd only use that for German, I just came up with that English one a few minutes ago.
#3 railwayguy
Yeh, that might be the best, "An Eltener" or in plural, "Elteners".
#4 radio729
Hmm, maybe Eltenoid.
#5 TheCoolgamer
Maybe Eltinist.
#6 thespyde
Eltenians? He he.
#7 thespyde
Eltenites? Hehehehehe.
#8 thespyde
Actually, Eltenites sounds like citizens of some country, but yeah, just stream of thought, ya know.
#9 Louisa
Like eltenoids. It sounds spacey. Although personally it doesn't matter to me if a name is used or not.
#10 hozosch Konto zarchiwizowane
I must admit I really like Eltenist, even though that sounds a bit more like an Elten expert than a user to me, but still.
I guess, once we have collected a few terms, a poll should be created to decide what one to finally use.
#11 Syntezator
Eltenian is good. I prefer this one. Elten is our own small planet and we, as its inhabitants are Eltenians :)
#12 daszekmdn
Elten's? Same for klangon's? :)
#13 thespyde
Eltens just sounds like a plural version of Elten, just sayin'.
#14 TripleE2002
maybe Eltenies? lol
#15 the_saint
eltenoid sounds very good to me; eltenites as well
#16 kumandan
#17 Adventure-Time
Hahah, I personally like "eltenoids", it feels spacey, scientific and odd. But eltenians sounds interesting as well. I can't come up with anything new myself, shame!
#18 zywek
I think that Eltenoids will be great :D
#19 Zuzler
What's wrong with Elteners?
#20 radio729
Nothing but I like Eltenoids better.